Bepin Choudhury lapse of memory class 8 MCQ Question and Answer

Bepin Choudhury’s lapse of memory class 8 chapter 4 English honeydew MCQ Question and Answer

Bepin Choudhury lapse of memory class 8 MCQ NCERT English Honeydew chapter 4 were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern practicing these Bepin Choudhury lapse of memory class 8 MCQ

Bepin Choudhury lapse of memory class 8 MCQ

Question:1 Bepin babu had never been to

  1. Kanpur
  2. Lucknow
  3. Ranchi
  4. None of these

Question:2 what was bepin babu’s routine ?

  1. To go out for a walk
  2. To excercise
  3. To collect novels for a week
  4. None of these

Question:3 who met bepin babu at new market ?

  1. Kalicharan
  2. sita Ram
  3. Parimal Ghose
  4. Chunilal

Question:4 what kind of man was bepin babu ?

  1. A lonely man
  2. had a few friends
  3. Not a good mixer
  4. All of these

Question:5 what was the only mistake ?

  1. About having gone to lucknow
  2. About having gone to Ranchi
  3. About having gone to Kanpur
  4. None of these

Question:6 where was bepin in “58 during puja holidays ?

  1. Hapur
  2. Lucknow
  3. Kanpur
  4. Dimapur

Question:7 who was haridas Bagchi ?

  1. Bepin’s brother
  2. Bepin’s friend
  3. Bepin’s father
  4. None of these

Question:8 where was bepin babu’s car parked ?

  1. In Betram street
  2. In betram state
  3. In vhartiya street
  4. In betram city

Question:9 what was the name of the driver ?

  1. Ramu
  2. Raja
  3. Ramphal
  4. sita Rani

Question:10 what was Dr. Chanda talking about bepin babu ?

  1. lapse of memory
  2. lapse of snorting
  3. lapse of writing
  4. lapse of sleep

Question:11 what did he suggest ?

  1. To visit lucknow
  2. To visit Ranchi once again
  3. To visit Kanpur
  4. None of these

Question:12 who realise that he is suffering from ‘lapse of memory ?

  1. bepin babu
  2. Dr. chanda
  3. Parimal Ghose
  4. Haridas bagchi

Question:13 what did bepin do then ?

  1. He began to study
  2. he started writing
  3. he took a cup of tea
  4. He got into bed

Question:14 what did the servant bring for him ?

  1. A cup of tea
  2. A book
  3. A letter
  4. A newspaper

Question:15 Asylum is a place

  1. To keep neeby people
  2. to keep sick people
  3. to keep mad people
  4. None of these
Bepin Choudhury lapse of memory class 8 MCQ

Question:16 At kalicharan’s bepin babu bought the books of

  1. philosophy
  2. technology
  3. religion
  4. cheap literature

Question:17 The man who talked to bepin babu at kalicharan’s was

  1. an old friend of his
  2. a man from Ranchi
  3. an actor
  4. an enemy

Question:18 bepin babu remembered

  1. that haridas had left for japan
  2. the he had the mark of injury
  3. that he had gone to Ranchi
  4. all

Question:19 Bepin babu’s telephone to Mr. Mukerji

  1. added to his worries
  2. conforted him
  3. made him angry
  4. all

Question:20 Hudroo falls are in

  1. Kalkate
  2. Mumbai
  3. Ranchi
  4. Delhi

Question:21 Chuni lai came to visit Bepin Babu again and again because

  1. He was his old friend
  2. it was his custom
  3. he wanted him to help him get a job
  4. he wanted some money

Question:22 Dr. Chanda called bepin babu’s case a preculiar one because of

  1. lapse of memory
  2. childish behaviour
  3. being miser
  4. of unruly behaviour

Question:23 Bepin choufhury’s biggest fears concering his present condition was

  1. getting insane
  2. forgetfulness
  3. being lonely
  4. none of these

Question:24 who kept turning up like a bad penny.

  1. Bepin choudhury
  2. chunilal
  3. parimal Ghose
  4. Dinesh Mukherji

Question:25 Chuni lai fixed up railway bocking for ranchi as he was a

  1. teacher
  2. tourist guide
  3. travel agent
  4. Investment banker

Question:26 The man looked surprise because

  1. he was acting to convince bepin babu
  2. he was really surprised
  3. he felt he was being cheated
  4. all

Question:27 Dinesh mukerji was

  1. Bepin babu’s friend
  2. an accomplice of chuni babu
  3. a stranger to bepin babu
  4. a doctor

Question:28 Chuni had been seeing the speaker for a long time because he was

  1. an old acquaintance
  2. an intimate friend
  3. in need of his help
  4. all of these

Question:29 Bepin babu was feeling better after meeting

  1. Chuni babu
  2. the doctor
  3. sitaram
  4. dinesh mukerji

Question:30 The trip to Ranchi will

  1. worsen his condition
  2. help him recover
  3. soothe him
  4. not affect him at all

Question:31 which books did Bepin Choudhury buy every week ?

  1. Thrillers
  2. Crime stories
  3. Ghost stories
  4. All of these

Question:32 Dinesh Mukerji was

  1. a well-wisher of bepin babu
  2. a stranger to him
  3. an accomplice of chuni lai
  4. an actor

Question:33 Bepin babu took a look at his right knee to

  1. Be sure that Ghosh was wrong
  2. be comfortable
  3. take a bath
  4. be relieved of the pain there

Question:34 Chuni lai came to visit bepin babu again and again because

  1. he was his old friend
  2. it was his custom
  3. he wanted to borrow some money
  4. he wanted him to help him get a job

Question:35 Bepin Choudhury’s biggest fears concerning his present condition was ….

  1. getting insane
  2. forgetfulness
  3. being lonely
  4. None of these

Question:36 How far does chuni lai succeed in his tricks ?

  1. Completely
  2. Partially
  3. Not sure
  4. Not at all

Question:37 How has the man looking at Bepin Choudhury been described ?

  1. Round-faced
  2. Meek-looking
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Question:38 How did he contact Dinesh mukerji ?

  1. Fax
  2. Mail
  3. Call
  4. whatsapp

MCQ Answers

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Bepin Choudhury lapse of memory class 8 MCQ these are very Important MCQ taken from NCERT Book you can read carefully and give the answer at yourself and if you are answer is wright so congratulation give you one mark and if your answer is wrong so don’t worry you can try it more and practice more.

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