Dust of snow class 10 Poem 1 MCQs Question and Answer

Dust of snow class 10 Poem 1 English First Flight MCQs Question and Answer

Dust of snow class 10 Poem 1 MCQ NCERT Solution for class 10 First Flight Dust of snow class 10 Poem 1 MCQ Question and Answer were prepared According to the latest exam pattern. Practicing these Dust of snow class 10 MCQ Question and Answer really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts

Dust of snow class 10 MCQ
Dust of snow writer”

Dust of snow” is a beautiful short poem written by Robert Frost.

Question:1 where was the crow ?

  1. Peepal Tree
  2. Hemlock Tree
  3. Deodar Cedar
  4. Banyan Tree

Question:2 what did crow shake on the poet ?

  1. Dust of tree
  2. dust of garden
  3. dust of snow
  4. dust of land

Question:3 whose part of the day has been saved ?

  1. Crow’s part of the day
  2. Tree’s part of the day
  3. Poet’s part of the day
  4. None of the above

Question:4 what was the Mood of the poet in the beginning of the poem ?

  1. Sad Mood
  2. Happy Mood
  3. Confused Mood
  4. None of the above

Question:5 How does the poet’s Mood get changed ?

  1. when he started running
  2. when started laughing
  3. when dust of snow fall on him
  4. None of the above

Question:6 How did the dust of snow affect the poet ?

  1. It made him energetic
  2. it changed his mood
  3. it made him superior
  4. None of the above

Question:7 what did the poet think of the day before the dust of snow fell on him ?

  1. He was energetic
  2. He was rude
  3. He was lucky
  4. His day was ruined

Question:8 what is the name of the poet ?

  1. Sylvia Plath
  2. W.B Yeats
  3. Robert Frost
  4. Robert Burns

Question:9 which bird is mentioned in the poem ?

  1. Pigeon
  2. Crow
  3. Dove
  4. Peacock

Question:10 what are the two negative creatures that frost used as carriers of positivity ?

  1. snow, dust
  2. hemlock tree, snow
  3. snow, crow
  4. hemlock tree, crow

Question:11 what does crow generally symbolise ?

  1. Happiness
  2. Good fortune
  3. Bad omen
  4. Life

Question:12 what was saved for the poet ?

  1. crow
  2. tree
  3. some part of the day
  4. snow

Question:13 why does the poet call it” dust of snow ?

  1. snow particles were too tiny
  2. they came over him like dust
  3. they felt like dust
  4. they looked like dust

Question:14 The poet says’ of a day I had rued” what is the meaning of rued” ?

  1. ruined
  2. held in regret
  3. ruled
  4. conquered

Question: 15 what uplifted mood ?

  1. Falling of snow on his shoulder
  2. the crow
  3. hemlock tree
  4. all of the above

Question :16 what is the rhyme scheme of the poem ?

  1. baba cdcd
  2. abab cdcd
  3. abab cddc
  4. abba cdcd

Question:17 Name the poetic device used in the line ” has given my heart ?

  1. alliteration
  2. metaphor
  3. Oxymoron
  4. similie

Question:18 Name the poetic device used in the line ” and saved some part “?

  1. alliteration
  2. metaphor
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Similie

Question:19 what does ” Dust of snow” represent?

  1. healing power of nature
  2. particles of snow
  3. cool weather
  4. None of the above

Question:20 what are the two negative creatures that frost used as carriers of positivity ?

  1. snow, dust
  2. hemlock tree, snow
  3. snow, crow
  4. hemlock tree, crow

MCQs Answers

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Dust of snow class 10th poem is one important mcqs. you read all these well and if you are facing any problem in these questions. then you can tell me in the comment box.I will tell you the solution of that problem.

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