Journey to the end of the earth class 12 MCQ Question and Answer

Journey to the end of the earth class 12 chapter 3 English vistas MCQ Question and Answer

Journey to the end of the earth class 12 mcq NCERT Solution for class 12 English Vistas were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern practicing these Journey to the end of the earth class 12 mcq Really effective to Improve your basics and learn all the key concept.

Journey to the end of the earth class 12 mcq

Journey to the end of the earth class 12 mcq

Question:1 who is the author of the lesson ?

  1. Tishani Doshi
  2. Kamla Das
  3. Jane Austen
  4. Chitran Das

Question:2 what does the lesson revolve around ?

  1. It revolves around the world
  2. Tourism
  3. Children and their tour
  4. the world’s most preserved place, Antactica

Question:3 what is the purpose of the journey to the world’s most preserved place, Antarctica ?

  1. To tour world
  2. To see the beauty of the earth
  3. To know the geography more closely
  4. To sensitize young minds towards climatic change

Question:4 why is a visit to antarctica important to understand effect of global warming ?

  1. Because here one can see quickly melting glaciers and collasping ice-shelves
  2. because it is filled with snow
  3. because it is away from urban rush
  4. None of these

Question:5 which programme aimed to take high school students to the end of the world ?

  1. The author’s delight
  2. Teacher delight
  3. school programe
  4. Geoff green’s students on ice programme

Question:6 why did Geoff decide to take high school students on the journey ?

  1. To make them tour the world
  2. To make them enjoy
  3. To make them feel relaxed
  4. To make them understand their plane and respect it.

Question: 7 why has the author called her joirney as” journey to the end of the earth “?

  1. Because it was toofar
  2. because no humans or plants exist there
  3. crosses nine time zones. six checkpoints. three water bodies and many ecosphere to reach there
  4. all of these

Question:8 why is Antarctica a restricted place ?

  1. Because it is too cold
  2. because of no life
  3. because of snow
  4. to protect the environment

Question:9 how many years back were India and Antarctica part of the some landmass ?

  1. 100 million years back
  2. 300 million years ago
  3. 200 million years ago
  4. 400 million years ago

Question:10 what was Gondwana ?

  1. An ancient tourist place
  2. an ancient city in Antarctica
  3. An ancient supercontinent 650 million years ago
  4. None of these

Question:11 what are the important indications of the future of humankind ?

  1. melting glaciers
  2. Depleting ozone layer
  3. Increasing global warming
  4. All of these

Question:12 why was Tishani doshi filled with relief and wonder when she first set her foot on the continent ?

  1. To see its white expanse
  2. To see its wastness
  3. To see isolution from the rest of the world
  4. all of these

Question:13 what was the writer’s feelings on reaching the continent ?

  1. of relief and amazement
  2. fatigued (tired)
  3. sad
  4. None of these

Question:14 what disturbed the silence of the continent ?

  1. The birds
  2. The animals
  3. The humans
  4. Avalanches

Question:15 why was the programme students on ice’a great success ?

  1. Because of its arrangements
  2. Good travel facilities
  3. Good food arrangements
  4. Because of the life changing exposure to the youngters

Question:16 How has the man created ruckus on the Earth ?

  1. By travelling
  2. by distrurbing the natural prosessor of earth
  3. by visiting antarctica
  4. None of these

Question:17 what is phytoplankton?

  1. Oceas
  2. southern oceans
  3. microsopic grasses
  4. None of these

Question:18 what was the centre of the Gondwana supercontinent ?

  1. Asia
  2. Pacific
  3. Antarctica
  4. All of these

Question:19 what are the reasons of increasing global temperatures ?

  1. Cutting of trees
  2. Human activities
  3. Increasing pollution
  4. All of these
Journey to the end of the earth class 12 mcq

Question:20 what kind of atmosphere does Antarctica a have ?

  1. Coldest
  2. Driest
  3. windiest
  4. All of these

Question:21 where does 90% of Earth’s total ice exist ?

  1. Pacific region
  2. southern oceans
  3. Northern pole
  4. Antarctica continent

Question:22 why is Antarctica completely pure ?

  1. Because of ice
  2. because of avalanches
  3. Because of melting glacier’s
  4. because of non-existence of human

Question:23 where is the world’s geological history trapped ?

  1. On southern pole
  2. on Northern pole
  3. On asia continent
  4. on Antarctica continent

Question:24 which programme was the author a part of ?

  1. Tour programme
  2. Research programme
  3. students on ice programme
  4. None of these

Question:25 what was the name of the southern supercontinent ?

  1. Asia
  2. Asia pacific
  3. Northern pole
  4. Gondwana

Question:26 If we want go know our earth.the human race and its past, present and future where should we go ?

  1. Northern pole
  2. southern pole
  3. Gondwana
  4. Antarctica continent

Question:27 You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here. the visual scale ranges from the microsopic to the mighty. midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries ( the largest recorded was the size of belgium). days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving it’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. and for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.

The ‘ visual scale’refer to

  1. a measuring device
  2. range of things one can see
  3. visionary’s belief
  4. the magnitude of preparation

Question:28 You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here. the visual scale ranges from the microsopic to the mighty. midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries ( the largest recorded was the size of belgium). days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving it’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. and for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.

Four people give a reason for the author’s feeling while travelling. choose the option that correctly summarizes it based on your understanding of the extract.

  1. I think the author is being paranold about leaving her hometown.
  2. According to me, she is bewildered by the travel duration.
  3. As far as I can judge, Tishani is being hypocritical because she is comparing the two places
  4. In my opinion. she is amazed by the grandeur of the ice region

Question :29 You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here. the visual scale ranges from the microsopic to the mighty. midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries ( the largest recorded was the size of belgium). days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving it’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. and for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.

Select the option that correctly fits the category of ‘Microscopic to the mighty’ out of the ones given below.

1.trace of a skin cell. trece of a bird’s egg

2. a grain of ice.field of wheat

3. a scoop of ice crea: an ice-cream cone

4. a drop of water: pacific oceans

  1. 1, 2
  2. 3, 4
  3. 1,3
  4. 2,4

Question:30 You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here. the visual scale ranges from the microsopic to the mighty. midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries ( the largest recorded was the size of belgium). days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving it’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. and for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.

Choose the option listing the elements that Influences one to think of earth’s physicality.

1 Breakage of an iceberg from a glacier

2. midges and mites

3. a regular seenn avanche

4. summer light in the southern hemisphere

  1. 1,2
  2. 3,4
  3. 1,4
  4. 2,3

Question:31 students on ice, the programme I was working with on the shokasky,aims to do exactly this boy taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only give’ back in a limited way. with students on ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act.

students on ice is headed by Geoff green. select the option to fill in the blank correctly.

  1. a travelogue
  2. an expedition
  3. a globetrotting
  4. a tour

Question:32 students on ice, the programme I was working with on the shokasky,aims to do exactly this boy taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only give’ back in a limited way. with students on ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act.

Choose the option that marks the ODD ONE OUT based on your reading of the above extract.

  1. sumit donates 10% of his monthly income to the environment-friendly NGOs.
  2. Manmeet and her twin plant a new plant on their birthday every year.
  3. VIvek invests in eco-friendly cosmetics that are packaged in plastic contaners.
  4. Afsana plans to device a machine that recycles the biodegradeble wastes from home.

Question:33 students on ice, the programme I was working with on the shokasky,aims to do exactly this boy taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only give’ back in a limited way. with students on ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act.

pick the option that characterizes the celebrities based on your understanding of the extract.

  1. overachiever
  2. zealous
  3. miserly
  4. impassive
  1. 1,2
  2. 3,4
  3. 1,3
  4. 2,4

Question:34 Antarctica is a crucial element in this debate -not just because it’s the only place in the world. which has never sustained a human population and therefore remains relatively “Pristine ‘in this respect ‘ with respect to the given statement from the text, choose the option to replace the underlined set of words.

  1. stays as it is throughout the year.
  2. becomes a perferct place to travel
  3. is left to an uncorrupted area.
  4. abides by the strict laws of nature.

MCQ Answers

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These are very Important questions of journey to end of the earth class 12th taken from the NCERT Book, if you are facing any problem in these questions then you can tell me in the comment box.

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