Evolution class 12 Chapter 7 MCQ Question and Answer

Evolution Class 12 Chapter 7 Biology MCQ Question and Answer

MCQ on evolution class 12 taken from NCERT books There is 26 Most Important MCQ These MCQ are prepared by latest Exam pattern Practice these mcq on evolution class 12 and get more marks in your exam.

MCQ on evolution class 12

Question:1 Dispersal of population depends on .

  1. On immigration
  2. On Emirgration
  3. On Migration
  4. all of these

Question:2 Evolution history of an organism is known as.

  1. Ontogeny
  2. Phytogeny
  3. Ancestry
  4. palaentogy

Question:3 Book ‘ Philosophique Zootogique was written by.

  1. Lamarck
  2. Mendel
  3. Darwin
  4. Hugo-devries

Question:4 which one of the following phenomena supports darwin’s concept of natural selection in organic evolution ?

  1. Devenlopment of transgenic animals
  2. Frouduction of dolly the sheep’ by cloning
  3. prevalence of pesticide resistant insects
  4. development of organs from stem cell’ for organ transplanation .

Question:5 wings of Butterfly and birds are.

  1. vestigal organs
  2. analogous organs
  3. Homologous organs
  4. Both a and b

Question:6 Theory of pangenesis was give by.

  1. Darwin
  2. lamarck
  3. weismann
  4. De vries

Question:7 Hardy-weinberg principle exaplain

  1. Chromosomal
  2. Genetic drifit
  3. genetic equilibrium
  4. all of these

Question:8 As per Neo-Darwinism, which is mainly responsibility for evolution ?

  1. Mutation
  2. Natural drifit
  3. Both
  4. all of these

Question:9 palaeonotogical evidences for evolution refer to the

  1. development of embryo
  2. homologous organs
  3. fossils
  4. analogous organs.

Question:10 Analogous organs arise due to

  1. divergent evolution
  2. artificial selection
  3. genetic drifit
  4. convergent evolution

Question:11 Apprearance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of

  1. adaptive radiation
  2. transduction
  3. pre-existing variation in the population
  4. divergent evolution.

Question:12 Evolution of life shows that life form had a trend of moving from

  1. land to water
  2. dry land to wet land
  3. fresh water to sea water
  4. water to land

Question:13 viviparity is considered to be more evolved because

  1. the young ones are left on their own
  2. the young ones are protected by a thick shell
  3. the young ones are protected inside the mother’s body and are looked after they are born leading to more chance of survival
  4. The embryo takes a long time to develop.

Question:14 Fossils are generally found in

  1. sedimentary rocks
  2. Igneous rocks
  3. Metamorphic rocks
  4. any type of rock.

Question:15 which of the following is an examples for connecting link species ?

  1. lobe fish
  2. Dodo bird
  3. sea weed
  4. Tyrannosaurus rex.

Question:16 Variations during mutations of meiotic re-combinations are.

  1. random and directionless
  2. random and directionar
  3. random and small
  4. random, small and directional.

Question:17 which of the following is used as an atmospheric pollution indicator ?

  1. Lepidoptera
  2. Lichens
  3. Lycopersicon
  4. Lycopodium

Question:18 The theory of spontaneous generation stated that

  1. life arose from living forms only
  2. life can arise from both living and nonliving
  3. life can arise from non-living things only
  4. life arises spontaneously, neither from living nor from the non-living .

Question:19 Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are the examples of

  1. reverse evolution
  2. artificial selection
  3. Mutatin
  4. natural selection.

Question:20 Identify the correct arrangement of periods of Palaeozoic era in ascending order in geological time scale

  1. Cambrian → Devonian → Ordovician → Silurian → Carboniferous → Permian
  2. Cambrian → Ordovician → Silurian → Devonian→Carboniferous → Permian
  3. Cambrian → Ordovician → Devonian → Silurian → Carboniferous → Permian
  4. Silurian → Devonian → Cambrian → Ordovician → Permian → Carboniferous

Question:21 The ship used by Charles Darwin during the sea voyages was

  1. HMS Beagle
  2. HSM Beagle
  3. HMS Eagle
  4. HSM Eagle

Question:22 Which of the following isotopes is used for Finding the fossil age maximum about 35,0000 years ?

  1. 238U
  2. 14C
  3. 3H
  4. 206Pb

Question:23 Which is not a vestigial organ in man ?

  1. Nictitating membrane
  2. Tail vertebrae
  3. Vermiform appendix
  4. Nails

Question:24 According to Lamarckism, long necked giraffes evolved because

  1. (a) nature selected only long necked ones
  2. (b) humans preferred only long necked ones
  3. (c) short necks suddenly changed into long necks
  4. (d) of stretching of necks over many generations by short necked ones.

Question:25 “Human population grows in geometric ratio while food materials increase in arithmetic proportion”. It is a statement from

  1. (a) Darwin
  2. (b) Bateson
  3. (c) AmartyaSen
  4. (d) Malthus.

Question:26 Which one of the following scientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him ?

  1. (a) de Vries – Theory of natural selection
  2. (b) Darwin – Theory of pangenesis
  3. (c) Weismann – Theory of continuity of germplasm
  4. (d) Pasteur – Theory of inheritance of acquired charcters

MCQ Answer

Question NoAnswer Question NoAnswer

mcq on evolution class 12

Extra five Important MCQ Exam level.

Question:1 Which scientist is credited with proposing the theory of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution?

  1. Charles Darwin
  2. Gregor Mendel
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Albert Einstein

Answer(A) Charles Darwin

Question:2 Which of the following is an example of convergent evolution?

  1. The forelimb of a human and a bat
  2. The wing of a bird and the wing of a butterfly
  3. The eye of a human and the eye of a squid
  4. The tail of a whale and the tail of a fish

Answer(B) The wing of a bird and the wing of a butterfly

Question:3 What is the term for a sudden, drastic reduction in the size of a population leading to a loss of genetic diversity?

  1. Speciation
  2. Genetic drift
  3. Natural selection
  4. Mutation

Answer (B) Genetic drift

Question:4 Which type of selection favors extreme phenotypes, leading to the reduction of genetic diversity in a population?

  1. Stabilizing selection
  2. Directional selection
  3. Disruptive selection
  4. Balanced selection

Answer ( B) Directional selection

Question:5 What does the concept of ‘homology’ in evolution refer to?

  1. Structures with different functions but similar origins
  2. Structures with different functions and different origins
  3. Structures with similar functions but different origins
  4. Structures with similar functions and similar origins

Answer (D) Structures with similar functions and similar origins

Note These MCQs are designed to be at an exam level of difficulty and should help you test your understanding of evolution for your Class 12 biology exam

Q & A

Question:1 Describe the concept of ‘survival of the fittest’ in the context of evolution.

Answer: Survival of the fittest’ is a phrase often used to describe the principle of natural selection. It means that individuals with traits better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those favorable traits to their offspring. Over time, this leads to the adaptation of a population to its environment.

Question:2 What is evolution, and how does it differ from natural selection?

Answer: Evolution is the process by which living organisms gradually change over generations through the accumulation of genetic variations. It includes various mechanisms, of which natural selection is one. Natural selection is a specific mechanism of evolution in which individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to the next generation.

Question:3 Describe Lamarck’s theory of evolution and provide an example to illustrate it

Answer: Lamarck’s theory proposed that acquired traits could be inherited. For example, he suggested that a giraffe’s long neck evolved because ancestral giraffes stretched their necks to reach leaves high in trees, and this acquired trait was passed on to their offspring. However, Lamarck’s theory has been largely discredited in favor of the modern understanding of genetics and natural selection.

Question:4 What is speciation, and what are the mechanisms that can lead to it?

Answer: Speciation is the process by which new species are formed from a single ancestral population. The mechanisms that can lead to speciation include allopatric speciation (geographic isolation), sympatric speciation (reproductive isolation within the same geographical area), and parapatric speciation (occurs when populations are partially isolated)

Read also.

  1. .Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms class 12 MCQ
  2. Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction Flowering plants class 12 MCQ
  3. Chapter 3: Human Reproduction class 12 MCQ
  4. Chapter 4: Reproductive Health class 12 MCQ
  5. Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation class 12 MCQ


In conclusion, the study of evolution in Class 12 biology provides a profound understanding of how life on Earth has diversified and adapted over time. It delves into the mechanisms of natural selection, genetic drift, and speciation, shedding light on the incredible diversity of species we see today. This knowledge not only deepens our appreciation of the natural world but also plays a crucial role in fields like ecology, genetics, and conservation. Understanding evolution is fundamental to comprehending life’s interconnectedness and the processes that have shaped the biodiversity of our planet.

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