The Fight class 8 chapter 6 MCQ Question and Answer

The Fight class 8 English It so happened chapter 6 MCQ Question and Answer

The Fight class 8 MCQ taken from NCERT Book English It so happened were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern. Practicing these The Fight class 8 MCQ Really effective in improving your understanding level.

“War” is a chapter about a boy named Anil who meets Raghu, a bully at his school. Raghu demands money from Anil and when Anil refuses, Raghu physically attacks him. He starts doing bad things. Anil feels helpless and scared. You don’t know how to do it.

The chapter identifies themes of courage, standing up to bullying, and the importance of standing up to injustice. Anil’s inner struggle, fear, and ultimate will to fight serve as a powerful story of overcoming adversity.

Throughout the chapter, Anil’s character goes through a period of growth where he changes from passive and timid to confident and bold. She realizes that she can no longer be intimidated and harassed by Raghu and decides to confront him.

The article also explores the dynamics of power and control in the school environment, sheds light on the issue of bullying, and emphasizes the importance of encouraging a supportive and inclusive school community.

The Fight class 8 MCQ

Question:1 Ranji discoevered a pool in the forest in the season which was

  1. vey hot
  2. very cold
  3. rainy
  4. autumn

Answer (A)

Question:2 The water in the pool was

  1. transparent
  2. dirty
  3. clear
  4. translucent

Answer (D)

Question:3 In the Rajputana Ranji had known

  1. better pools
  2. muddy pools
  3. similiar pools
  4. no pools

Answer (B)

Question:4 Ranji was taken aback at the

  1. Friendliness of suraj
  2. hostility of suraj
  3. strength of suraj
  4. capacity of suraj to swin

Answer (B)

Question:5 Ranji met suraj at the poel on the

  1. first day
  2. second day
  3. third day
  4. fourth day

Answer (B)

Question:6 while suraj called himself a warrior, Ranji said that he was a

  1. Fighter
  2. student
  3. Rajput
  4. Gentle boy

Answer (A)

Question:7 when the warrior slapped the fighter, the fighter

  1. eried
  2. ran away
  3. pushed a hard first into his face
  4. the warrior ran away after it

Answer (C)

Question:8 The fighter and the warrior had a frenzied struggle for about

  1. Five minutes
  2. 15 minutes
  3. twenty minutes
  4. half an hour

Answer (A)

Question:9 After the fierce struggle both the boys were

  1. angry
  2. desperate
  3. tired
  4. excited

Answer (C)

Question:10 At hom Ranji could not counceal that he

  1. had been swimming
  2. had been fighting
  3. was beaten
  4. would fight again

Answer (B)

Question:11 what did Ranji agree to teach suraj ?

  1. How to dive
  2. How to swim under water
  3. How to be a pehelwan
  4. Both A and B

Answer (D)

Question:12 The warrior’s mouth hung open in amazement” what was the reason behind it ?

  1. Ranji’s dive
  2. Ranji’s swimming skills
  3. Ranji swimming under water
  4. All of the above

Answer (A)

The Fight class 8 MCQ

Question:13 who energed victorious in the first flight ?

  1. suraj
  2. Ranji
  3. Both a and b
  4. None

Answer (D)

Question:14 who claimed hismelf to be a fighter ?

  1. Ranji
  2. suraj
  3. Both of them
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:15 why did the other boy not join Ranji in swimming ?

  1. He did not like Ranji
  2. He always swam alone
  3. he was jealous of Ranji
  4. He was shy

Answer (B)

Question:16 what was the tone of the other boy ?

  1. Hostile
  2. Friendly
  3. Rude
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:17 where did the small stream that fed the pool come from ?

  1. Plains
  2. sea
  3. hills
  4. None of these

Answer (C)

Question:18 which season was it the place he had just moved to ?

  1. winter
  2. summer
  3. Autumn
  4. spring

Answer (B)

Question:19 The lesson” The fight is written by

  1. Rabindranath Tagore
  2. T.S Eliot
  3. Ruskin bond
  4. None of these

Answer (C)

Question:20 How would you describe the other boy ?

  1. Little older than Ranji
  2. Taller than Ranji
  3. Thickset
  4. All of these

Answer (D)

Question:21 The Meaning of “Queneh’

  1. Cool
  2. stretch
  3. warm
  4. Light

Answer (A)

Question:22 who was standing in a little distance from Ranji ?

  1. An old man
  2. A boy
  3. A girl
  4. An elephant

Answer (B)

Question:23 How was the stranger staring at him ?

  1. Diagustly
  2. Lovingly
  3. Friendly
  4. Hostile manner

Answer (D)

Question:24 Describe the appearance of the other boy

  1. Taller and thickset
  2. Red lips
  3. Broad and thick nose
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:25 what did the stranger ask Ranji when he first saw him ?

  1. How are you, friend?
  2. what are doing here, mister?
  3. Do I know you?
  4. where are you from ?

Answer (B)

Question:26 was Ranji ready to be friend with the stranger when they first met ?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Never
  4. Not mentioned

Answer (A)

Question:27 I always swim alone” who said this ?

  1. Ranji
  2. The other boy
  3. Both of them
  4. None of them

Answer (B)

Question:28 who addressed himself as a warrior ?

  1. Ranji
  2. the other boy
  3. villagers
  4. None of them

Answer (B)

Question:29 what did Ranji address himself as?

  1. warrior
  2. Policeman
  3. Fighter
  4. All of the above

Answer (C)

Question:30 who first slapped whom?

  1. The other boy to Ranji
  2. slapped together
  3. Ranji to the other boy
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:31 There were thick red finger mark on his .

  1. Hand
  2. Neck
  3. Thigh
  4. Cheek

Answer (D)

Question:32 who won in their first fight ?

  1. Ranji
  2. The stranger
  3. Draw
  4. Both of them

Answer (C)

Question:33 we will continue the fight tomorrow’ … who said this ?

  1. Ranji
  2. An old man
  3. The other boy
  4. None

Answer (C)

Question:34 where was Ranji cuts and bruises showed ?

  1. Face
  2. Legs
  3. Arms
  4. All of these

Answer (D)

Question:35 who Insisted Ranji to stay at home for the rest of the day ?

  1. His father
  2. His mother
  3. His grandmother
  4. None

Answer (B)

Question:36 what was Ranji’s mother Insisting on ?

  1. To stay at home for the rest of the day
  2. To go to the bazaar
  3. Not to fight anymore
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:37 where did he go in that evening ?

  1. His friend’s house
  2. Pool
  3. Bazaar
  4. None of these

Answer (C)

Question:38 How would you describe the other boy ?

  1. Coloured lemonade
  2. sweet jalebis banana leaf
  3. both A andn B
  4. None of these

Answer (C)

Question:39 The Meaning of “Adversary’

  1. Friend
  2. Enemy
  3. Relative
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:40 whom did he see coming down the road?

  1. Friend
  2. His father
  3. Brother
  4. Enemy

Answer (D)

English It so happened class 8 MCQs
  1. Chapter 1: How the Camel Got His Hump class 8 MCQ
  2. Chapter 2: Children at work class 8 MCQ
  3. Chapter 3: The selfish Giant class 8 MCQ
  4. Chapter 4: The Treasure within class 8 MCQ
  5. Chapter 5: Princess september class 8 MCQ


The Fight class 8 MCQ These are very Important MCQ taken from the NCERT book it so happened Please read all the questions. carefully and give the answer at yourself first than you can check my answer, if your answer is correct so congratulations but, if your answer is incorrect so don’t worry you can practice more only.

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