A Tiger In the Zoo class 10 Poem 3 MCQ Question and Answer

A Tiger In the Zoo class 10 Poem 3 English First Flight MCQs Question and Answer

A Tiger in the Zoo class 10 Poem 3 MCQ NCERT Solution for class 10 English First Flight A tiger in the zoo class 10 MCQ Question and Answer were prepared According to the latest exam pattern Practicing these . A tiger in the zoo class 10 MCQ Question and Answer really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts.

Question:1 How does the tiger feel in the cage ?

  1. He has is sad mood
  2. he was in angry mood
  3. he was happy mood
  4. he was in surprised

Question:2 where should the tiger hide to himself ?

  1. behind the tree
  2. in the shadow
  3. in the house
  4. in the jungle

Question:3 How does the tiger walk in the cage ?

  1. with sadness
  2. with happiness
  3. with confusion
  4. with pride

Question: 4 who passes near the water hole ?

  1. Fag Pig
  2. Fat Buffalo
  3. Fat dear
  4. All of the above

Question:5 How should the tiger walk through the grass ?

  1. with great difficulty
  2. with ease
  3. with practice
  4. None of the above

Question:6 How does the caged tiger react to the visitors ?

  1. He ignores them
  2. With a happy face
  3. with a sad face
  4. Proudly

Question:7 where is the tiger’s strength locked ?

  1. behind the Jungle
  2. behind the bars
  3. behind his nature
  4. None of the above

Question:8 what sound does the tiger near at night ?

  1. Patrolling cars
  2. Flowing river
  3. Truck Horn
  4. All of the above

Question:9 At what does the tiger look at in night ?

  1. Patrolling cars
  2. His house
  3. stars
  4. All of the above

Question:10 who is the poet of this poem ?

  1. Robert Frost
  2. Leslie Norris
  3. Pt. Nehru
  4. None

Question:11 The poem draws a contrast between …………….and ……………

  1. Animals, human beings
  2. tiger in a zoo, tiger in a forest
  3. tiger in a zoo, humans
  4. humans, tiger in forest

Question:12 what has been personified in the poem ?

  1. Tiger
  2. forest
  3. Zoo
  4. All of the above

Question:13 Name the poetic device used in the line ” In his quiet rage ?

  1. Metaphor
  2. assonance
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Consonance

Question:14 Name the poetic device used in the line “he stalks in his vivid stripes ?

  1. metaphor
  2. assonance
  3. Oxymoron
  4. Consonance

Question:15 why should he be lurking in shadow?

  1. out of fear
  2. out of anger
  3. to catch the deer
  4. both A and B

Question:16 By” ignoring visitors what is the poet trying to say ?

  1. Tiger knows his power is restricted
  2. there is no use of showing rage
  3. he is less terrorising because of the cage
  4. all of the above

Question:17 what describes” tiger in a cell “?

  1. locked in concrete cell
  2. snarling around houses
  3. shadow, long grass
  4. baring his white fangs

Question:18 what described” tiger in a Jungle ?

  1. Locked in concrete cell
  2. his strength behind bars
  3. ignoring visitors
  4. baring his white fangs

Question:19 How do the eyes of the tiger look ?

  1. Sad
  2. Brilliant
  3. Dark
  4. Light

Question:20 How does the caged tiger react to the visitors ?

  1. He ignores them
  2. with a happy face
  3. with a sad face
  4. Proudly
  5. a

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