Sexual Reproduction Flowering plants chapter 2 MCQ

Sexual Reproduction Flowering plants chapter 2 MCQ Question and Answer

cbse class 12 biology chapter 2 mcq questions taken from CBSE Book were prepared according to the lates Exam pattern. Practising these cbse class 12 biology chapter 2 mcq questions Really effective to Improve your understanding leve.

cbse class 12 biology chapter 2 mcq questions
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Question:1 Normal Embryosac of Angisoperm is

  1. unicellular
  2. Bicellular
  3. Penta celled
  4. seven called

Question:2 Commonly in a mature fertilized ovule n, 2n, 2n conditions are respectively found in .

  1. Endosperm, nucellus and egg
  2. Egg. antipodals and endosperm
  3. Interguments, synergids and egg
  4. Egg, nucellus and endosperm

Question:3 After fertilization ovule develops into.

  1. Integumet
  2. seed
  3. Embryo
  4. Endosperm

Question:4 parthenogesis is common in

  1. Grape
  2. Mango
  3. Citrus
  4. Litchi

Question:5 An orthrotropous ovule is one in which micropyle and chalaza are.

  1. Obique to funiculus
  2. At right angles to funiculus
  3. In straight line with funiculus
  4. parallel to funiculus

Question:6 In an ovule meiotic takes place in.

  1. Nucellus
  2. Megaspore mother cell
  3. Megaspore
  4. Arochesporium

Question:7 In Capsella the endosperm in generally.

  1. Haploid
  2. Diploid
  3. Diploid
  4. Triploid
  5. Tetraploid

Question:8 All of the following structures are found in angiosperm except ?

  1. Archegonium
  2. Pistil
  3. Anther
  4. Megagametophyte

Question:9 Totipotency is

  1. Development of a fruit from a flower in a medium
  2. Development of an organ from a cell in a medium
  3. Development of tissues of all kinds from a cell in a medium
  4. Development of tissues of all kind from a cell in a medium

Question:10 who proved that the cells are totipotent ?

  1. white
  2. skoog
  3. Miller
  4. Steward

Question:11 A typical angiospermic embyro sac is usually.

  1. One celled
  2. Two celled
  3. Five celled
  4. seven celled

Question:12 Father of Indian Angiosperm Embnology is.

  1. B.M. John
  2. B.G.L Swami
  3. R.N. kapil
  4. P. maheshwati

Question:13 which structures is not found is Angiosperm ?

  1. Archegonium
  2. Carpel
  3. Anther
  4. Megagametophyte

Question:14 If cotyledons are brought above the soil the germination is .

  1. Hypogeal.
  2. Epigeal
  3. Vivipary
  4. None of these

Question:15 Polyembryony occurs in.

  1. Maize
  2. Citrus
  3. Corchorous
  4. Carthamus

Question:16 In Monocots, grafting is almost impossible because they lack.

  1. Cambium
  2. Ground tissue
  3. Vascular bundle
  4. Parenchymatous cells

Question:17 Double fertilization in angiosperm was discoevered by .

  1. strassburger
  2. J.C Bose
  3. Maheshwati
  4. Nawaschin

Question:18 How many meiotic division are necessary to produce 100 pollen grains?

  1. 100
  2. 50
  3. 25
  4. 20

Question:19 Double fertilization means.

  1. Fusion of two eggs
  2. Fusion of egg and pollen under of two pollen grains
  3. Fusion of two polar nuclei with the one male gamete
  4. Fusion between synergid cells and male gamete

Question:20 Pollination by snalls is called

  1. Malacophily
  2. Zoophily
  3. Anemophily
  4. Hydriphily

Question:21 Development of fruit without fertilizations is .

  1. Parthenogenesis
  2. Heterostyly
  3. Parthenocary
  4. Agamospermy

Question:22 who discoevered fertilization ?

  1. Nawaschin
  2. strassburger
  3. Leeuwen hock
  4. Robert Hook

Question:23 when more than one embryopoer embryosac is found it is called.

  1. Embryogncy
  2. Amphimisis
  3. Agamospormy
  4. Polyembryony

Question:24 when pollen tube enter into the nucellus through micropyle is called.

  1. Porogamy
  2. Xenogamy
  3. Mesogamy
  4. Dikogamy

Question:25 Maturation of male and female sex organs at different times is known as.

  1. Herkogamy
  2. Dichogamy
  3. Polygampy
  4. Apogamy

Question:26 stalk of ovule is called.

  1. Funicle
  2. Caruncie
  3. Nucellus
  4. Pedice1

Question:27 Pollination in Lotus is .

  1. By water
  2. by wind
  3. by Insect
  4. all of these

Question:28 Haploid plants develop by pollen are called

  1. Emasculation
  2. Parhenocarpy
  3. androgenesis
  4. somatic hybridzation

Question:29 closed flowers

  1. Decliny
  2. Cteistogamy
  3. Dichogamy
  4. None of these

Question:30 Demerit of self pollination is .

  1. Unisexua
  2. Dichoganty
  3. Hetorostyle
  4. None of these

Question:31 A dicotyledonous plant bears flowers but never produces fruits and seeds. the most probable cause for the above situation is.

  1. plant is dioecious and bears only pistillate flowers
  2. plant is dioecious and bears both pistillate and staminate flowers
  3. plant is monecious
  4. plant is dioecious and bears only staminate flowers.

Question:32 The outermost and innermost wall layers of microsporangium in an anther are respectively.

  1. Endothecium and tapetum
  2. Epidermis and endodemis
  3. Epidermis and middle layer.
  4. Epidermis and tapeturn.

Question:33 During microsporongenesis, meiosis occurs in

  1. Endothecium
  2. Microspore mother cells
  3. Microspore tetrads
  4. pollen grains

Question:34 From among the sets of term given below, identify those that are associated with the gynoecium .

  1. Sitgma, ovule, embryo sac, placentar
  2. Thalamus, pistil style, ovule
  3. Ovule, ovary , embryo sac, tapetum
  4. Ovule, stamen, ovary, embryo sac

Question:35 starting from the innermost part the correct sequence of parts in an ovule is.

  1. egg, nucellus, embryo sac, integument
  2. egg, embryo sac, nucellus integument
  3. embryo sac, nucellus, integument, egg
  4. egg, integument, embryo sac, nucellus,

Question:36 Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if .

  1. pollen matures before maturity of ovule
  2. Ovules mature before maturity of pollen both pollen and Ovules mature simultaneously
  3. Both anther and stigma are of equal lengths.
  4. Ovules mature before maturity of pollen

Question:37 Choose the correct statement from the follwing.

  1. Cleistoganmous flowers always exhibit autogamy
  2. Chasmogamous flowers always exhibit geitonogamy
  3. Cleistogamous flowers exhibit both autogamy and geitionnogamy
  4. Chasmogamous flowers never exhibit autogamy.

MCQ Answer

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CBSE class 12 biology chapter 2 MCQ Question These are very Important MCQs Please Read all the questions and give the answer at yourself first than you can check my answer if your answer is correct so congratulation but if your answer is incorrect so don’t worry you can practice more

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