Deep water class 12 chapter 3 MCQ Question and Answer

Deep water class 12 chapter 3 English Flamingo MCQs Question and Answer

deep water mcq class 12 NCERT Solution for class 12 deep water mcq class 12 were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern practicing these deep water mcq class 12 Really effective to Improve your basics and learn all the key concept.

Question:1 what is the story deep water speaking about ?

  1. fear of water and the way to overcome it
  2. fear of people
  3. fear of dogs
  4. fear of swimming

Question:2 How did the author’s fear vanish ?

  1. with courage, guidance and determination
  2. with care
  3. with mother’s words
  4. with guidance

Question:3 According to story where did the narrator go when he was 3 or 4 years old

  1. Washington
  2. new zealand
  3. California
  4. canada

Question:4 what did william Douglas desire ?

  1. visit to california
  2. visit to washington
  3. to be able to swim and enjoy the water sports
  4. to be with his mother

Question:5 How old was Douglas when his aversion to the water started ?

  1. one or two
  2. three or four
  3. ten or eleven
  4. eighteen

Question:6 How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer ?

  1. The Instructor started working with Douglas five days a week
  2. Tought him to put his head underwater and exhale and raise his nose and inhale
  3. held Douglas on the side of the pool and made him kick with his legs
  4. All of the above

Question:7 why did Douglas’mother warm him against swimming in the yakima River ?

  1. The river was treacherous
  2. she was afraid of water.
  3. many people’s had drown there
  4. none of the above

Question:8 who threw Douglas into the swimming pool ?

  1. A young 18 years old Bruiser
  2. Instructor
  3. his mother
  4. his father

Question:9 what plans did he make to come to the surface of the pool ?

  1. tried to jump and push himself up
  2. shouted
  3. cried aloud
  4. shouted help

Question:10 How did this experience at YMCA pool affect the author ?

  1. became fearful
  2. confident
  3. over confident
  4. became hydrophobuc

Question:11 Douglas hated to walk with bare legs because of

  1. ugly looking legs
  2. fat legs
  3. his skin colour
  4. skinny legs

Question:12 Though Douglas was frightened during the pool incident, he was not…..

  1. afraid to die
  2. able to shout for help
  3. going to survive
  4. out of his wits

Question:13 How many times did Douglas go down towards the bottom at YMCA misadventure ?

  1. only once
  2. twice
  3. thrice
  4. None

Question:14 How much distance did Douglas cover when he swam the lake to stamp act island ?

  1. two miles
  2. three miles
  3. four miles
  4. four miles

Question:15 All we have to fear is fear itself’ who spoke these words ?

  1. Douglas
  2. his Instructor
  3. his father
  4. President Roosevelt

Question:16 After successful training, whenever terror struck again what would Douglas start ?

  1. Laughing
  2. screaming
  3. panicking
  4. talking to terror

Question:17 where is the lake wentworth situated ?

  1. In new Hampshire
  2. In washington
  3. in California
  4. In washington D.C

Question:18 How did the author’s fear vanish ?

  1. with courage, guidance and determination
  2. with care
  3. with mother’s words
  4. with guidance

Question:19 From where did he dive off in the lake wentworth ?

  1. Yakima
  2. Triggs Island
  3. stamp Act Island
  4. Cascade

Question:20 why did Douglas go to the beach in california with his father ?

  1. for swimming
  2. for surfing
  3. for paddling
  4. None of the above

Question:21 who is the writer of ‘Lost spring

  1. Robert Frost
  2. William Douglas
  3. Shirley Toulson
  4. None

Question:22 what had narrator decided to learn

  1. Chess
  2. Badminiton
  3. Swimming
  4. None

Question:23 which river has been mentioned in the story ‘deep water’

  1. Ganga
  2. Yamuna
  3. saraswati
  4. Yakima

Question:24 what is the story deep water speaking about ?

  1. Fear of water and the way to overcome it
  2. fear of people
  3. fear of dogs
  4. fear of swimming

Question:25 How did the author’s fear vanish ?

  1. with courage, guidance and determination
  2. with care
  3. with mother’s words
  4. with guidance

Question:26 Y.M.C.A.stands for ?

  1. Young Men’s Christian Authority
  2. Young Mne’s Christopher Association
  3. Young Mne’s Christian Army
  4. Young men’s Christian Associa

Question:27 where is Yakima located ?

  1. In newzealand
  2. in California
  3. in washington
  4. None of these

Question:28 why did he develop a fear of water ?

  1. Because of knocking down by waves at a beach
  2. because of a young boy
  3. becasue of instructor
  4. becasue of his mother

Question:29 what is huanting the author ?

  1. Terrible experience in the pool
  2. Ghosts
  3. his mother’s words
  4. A push by a young boy

Question:30 what did the author realize while drowning in the pool ?

  1. Terror in fear of death
  2. swimming was fun
  3. the lifeguard did not come to his rescue
  4. All of these

Question:31 what is the theme of the story deep water ?

  1. Victory in facing the fear
  2. being fearful
  3. to learn swimming
  4. All
  5. a

Question:32 Deep water is an excerpt from which book ?

  1. Fear of water
  2. of men and mountains
  3. how to swim
  4. fearless

Question:33 what does deep water signify ?

  1. beauty
  2. depth of sea
  3. depth of ocean
  4. fear

Question:34 who threw Douglas into the swimming pool ?

  1. A young boy
  2. Instructor
  3. mother
  4. watchman

Question:35 what was the fear in Douglas’ mind ?

  1. To be defeated
  2. To be pushed
  3. being drowned
  4. None

Question:36 At the age of 3 or 4 Douglas visited the beach with his father. what caused a terror in his heart then ?

  1. The sight of the sea waves
  2. The overpowering force of the waves
  3. The colour of the water
  4. All of these

Question:37 what were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool ?

  1. Fear
  2. confidence
  3. overconfidence
  4. Mixed feelings of confidence and fear

Question:38 what plans did he make to come to the surface of the pool ?

  1. Triled to jump and push himself up
  2. shouted
  3. cried aloud
  4. shouted’ help’

Question:39 How did this experienced affect the author ?

  1. Became fearless
  2. confident
  3. Overconfident
  4. became hydophobic

Question:40 what lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of drowning learning to swim ?

  1. Learnt swimming
  2. love for swimming
  3. swimming is not difficult
  4. face the fear

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