The Treasure within Class 8 MCQ Question and Answer

The Treasure within class 8 chapter 4 English It so happened MCQ Question and Answer

The Treasure within class 8 MCQ taken from NCERT Book It so happened that chapter 4 was prepared according to the latest Exam pattern. practicing these The Treasure within class 8 MCQ Really effective in improving your understanding level

The Treasure within class 8 MCQ

Class 8 Assets consists of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) which are designed to assess the understanding and knowledge of various subjects of the students in Class VIII These MCQs retain the understanding, critical thinking skills, and key of the students serve as a useful tool for teachers to assess keep concepts in a variety of subjects.

Part in 8th Grade covers a wide range of topics including math, science, social studies, language arts, and other subjects, and aims to provide a comprehensive assessment system aligned with academic standards and educational goals. Each MCQ asks students multiple-choice questions asking them to analyze, interpret, and choose the correct answer based on their understanding of the topic.

Parts in Grade 8 aim beyond simple appreciation, and serve as motivation for learning and education. Through the use of MCQs, students are encouraged to analyze and clarify important concepts, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop effective study strategies to improve their academic performance

The Treasure within class 8 MCQ

Question:1 Contactor had nightmares about

  1. His maths examination
  2. his failure in the class
  3. never finding a job
  4. losing his mother

Answer (A)

Question:2 Contactor’s earliest memory about school is that

  1. he was a good student
  2. he always failed
  3. from the third standard, he lost interest
  4. he always passed in first division

Answer (C)

Question:3 Contactor loved

  1. learning books
  2. playing games
  3. talking to his friends
  4. helping his mother

Answer (B)

Question:4 Contactor passed most of his school examinations by

  1. hard work
  2. cramming
  3. only with some work
  4. copying

Answer (D)

Question:5 For his SSC Examination

  1. Contractor copied
  2. contractor worked hard
  3. contractor’s principal helped him
  4. all of these

Answer (B)

Question:6 Contractor’s teachers

  1. admired him for his talent
  2. gave him a caning every week
  3. sent him out of school
  4. complained to his mother

Answer (B)

Question:7 Contractor would plan strategies for

  1. passing the examination
  2. fighting against a gang
  3. cheating in the examination
  4. playing cricket

Answer (B)

Question:8 what did Hafeez and his friend compete about ?

  1. Designing forts
  2. Designing guns
  3. Designing ammunication
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:9 Putting design, construction, psychology and sociology together and making a sketch from all that is

  1. Architecture
  2. French
  3. Design
  4. Mathematics

Answer (D)

Question:10 How did he help students who lost their button?

  1. Give them his button
  2. Cut a button out of eraser
  3. Cut a button out of chalk
  4. He did not help them

Answer (C)

Question:11which subject could he deal with?

  1. Geography
  2. Languages
  3. Science
  4. Both B and C

Answer (D)

Question:12 I was going to an architect’s office to learn

  1. French
  2. English
  3. German
  4. Architecture

Answer (A)

Question:13 Why did he not join the army?

  1. He did not get admission
  2. his aunt tore up the admission letter
  3. his mother advised him to don’t
  4. all of these

Answer (B)

Question:14 why did students book his textbooks in advance?

  1. He opened them one day prior to the exam
  2. they were brand new
  3. he never opened them
  4. Both A and B

Answer (D)

Question:15 what did they do when he created a “distraction “?

  1. Played hide and seek
  2. played chor police
  3. played hopscotch
  4. played football

Answer (B)

Question:16 Son consider yourself as having got a distraction”! how much did he score?

  1. Eighty percent
  2. Fifty percent
  3. Eighty five percent
  4. Ninety percent

Answer (B)

Question:17 What did he get interested in instead?

  1. Games
  2. Running around
  3. Playing jokes and pranks on others
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:18 Hafeez was

  1. A very good sportsman
  2. senior champion for so many years
  3. cricket captain
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:19 since when did the nightmares stop ?

  1. Last 4-5 years
  2. last 5-6 years
  3. last 4 years
  4. last 7 years

Answer (A)

Question:20 what is the full form of HC ?

  1. Hafeez chopra
  2. hafeez contractor
  3. himansh chopra
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:21 In which standard the principle words struck him?

  1. Five
  2. seven
  3. Eleven
  4. Ten

Answer (C)

Question:22 who was an unhappy school boy?

  1. Hafeez contractor
  2. hazar contractor
  3. habib contractor
  4. hakim contractor

Answer (A)

Question:23 which subject gave him shivers ?

  1. Georgrapy
  2. Physics
  3. history
  4. Mathematics

Answer (D)

Question:24 Over the last when the terrible nightmare seemed to disappear?

  1. Last three to four years
  2. last four to five years
  3. last one to two years
  4. last five to six years

Answer (B)

Question:25 ………. I don’t have to think about education and there is absolutely time to get …

  1. Nightmares
  2. studies
  3. Tired
  4. Rest

Answer (A)

Question:26 From which standard HC last interest in studies ?

  1. Two
  2. One
  3. Three
  4. Five

Answer (C)

Question:27 what was he interested in ?

  1. Jokes
  2. Playing games
  3. Prankes on others
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:28 what would he do in class during exam times ?

  1. sleep
  2. copy
  3. both A and B
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:29 whose one sentence spoken to him changed his life ?

  1. His mother
  2. his teacher
  3. his friend
  4. his principle

Answer (D)

Question:30 Name the editor of sparsh, bangalore

  1. Ms meera-Raja
  2. Ms Bobita Raja
  3. Ms bela Raja
  4. Ms Priya Raja

Answer (C)

Question:31 How much time did the principle talk in him?

  1. 5 minutes
  2. 1 hour
  3. 30 minutes
  4. he didn’t talk

Answer (A)

Question:32 I used to be very good

  1. influence
  2. sportsman
  3. singer
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:33 HC had been …

  1. senior champion for many years
  2. In trauma
  3. Cricket captain
  4. Both A and B

Answer (D)

Question:34 I would go for prayer and all I would do was ……. and ……..’

  1. Eat and sleep
  2. Eat and watch TV
  3. Eat and study
  4. chill and sleep

Answer (C)

Question:35 How much present did he score in SSC?

  1. 50
  2. 66
  3. 72
  4. 45

Answer (A)

Question:36 How did he feel when teacher pull him out of the class ?

  1. Ashamed
  2. nothing
  3. scared
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:37 what did he receive every week ?

  1. Rewards
  2. Books
  3. Punishment
  4. Coning

Answer (D)

Question:38 You never felt insecure or threatened”? who said this ?

  1. Principle
  2. Hafeez
  3. Ms bela
  4. None of them

Answer (C)

Question:39 How did he create a distruction ?

  1. Playing chor-police
  2. playing fudo
  3. making pranks
  4. playing chess

Answer (A)

Question:40 Every saturday, why they were allowed to go into twon ?

  1. To visit museum
  2. For shopping
  3. to play in the prank
  4. To watch movies

Answer (D)


The Treasure within Class 8 MCQ These are very Important MCQs taken from the NCERT book it so happened Please read all the questions. carefully and answer yourself first than you can check my answer, if your answer is correct congratulations but, if your answer is incorrect so don’t worry you can practice more only.

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