Should wizard hit mommy class 12 MCQ Question and Answer

Should wizard hit mommy class 12 chapter 5 English Vistast MCQ Question and Answer

Should wizard hit mommy class 12 MCQ NCERT Solution for class 12 chapter 5 English Vistas were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern practicing these should wizard hit mommy class 12 MCQ Really effective to Inprove your basics and learn all the key concepts.

Should wizard hit mommy class 12 MCQ

Should wizard hit mommy class 12 MCQ

Question:1 who is author of the lesson ?

  1. John updike
  2. John Donne
  3. william blake
  4. John william

Question:2 what is this story about ?

  1. worldview of a little girl and her curious questions to her father
  2. worldview of children
  3. world of wizards
  4. All of these

Question:3 How did the wizard help Roger skunk ?

  1. by using magic wand
  2. by chanting
  3. by helping him get rid of foul smell
  4. all of these

Question:4 what did the wizard as Roger ?

  1. what did he want to have
  2. what did he want to eat
  3. what did he want to smell like ?
  4. None of these

Question:5 How did jo want the story of Roger skunk to end ?

  1. wanted to punish Roger’s mother
  2. wanted to hit her
  3. wanted to kill her
  4. wanted to beat her

Question:6 who hit whom in the original story ?

  1. Roger hit his mom
  2. Roger hit the wizard
  3. wizard hit Roger’s mom
  4. Roger’s mom hit the wizard

Question:7 why does Jo call Roger’s mom stupid ?

  1. because she doesn’t listen
  2. because she is stupid
  3. because it is because of her action that Roger start smelling bad again
  4. None of these

Question:8 why did Jo think that Roger skunk was better with new smell off ?

  1. because she was able to bear him now
  2. she was able to be with him now
  3. because of pleasant smell now people we able to be friends with him
  4. all of these

Question:9 what did Roger want to smell like ?

  1. Marigold
  2. sunflower
  3. jasmine
  4. Rose

Question:10 what kind of end Jo did want for Roger’s story ?

  1. Pathetic
  2. sad
  3. happy note
  4. all of these

Question:11 why was Roger’s mom angry with him ?

  1. because of new rasy smell
  2. because of new dress
  3. because of new appearance
  4. None of these

Question:12 why does Roger’s mother not want him to smell like a rose ?

  1. because she didn’t like it
  2. becasue she is allergic to it
  3. because he is a skunk and he should smell bad
  4. None of these

Question:13 what did Roger’s mother decide finally ?

  1. To take him back to awful wizard and get his bad smell back
  2. To take him with her
  3. To get him new smell
  4. None of these

Question:14 How does up want the wizard to behave with Roger’s mother ?

  1. NIcely
  2. politely
  3. Rudely
  4. she wants the wizards to hit her

Question:15 why does jo want the wizard to hit Roger’s mother ?

  1. because she speaks rudely
  2. because she behaves rudely
  3. because she doesn’t let her son have new smell
  4. None of these

Question:16 why did Roger skunk visit the owl ?

  1. To be hit friend
  2. to talk to him
  3. to learn the art of flying
  4. to see his advice to solve his problem

Question:17 what advice did the wise owl give to Roger skunk?

  1. To visit his friends
  2. To think deeply
  3. To consult his mother
  4. To consult the wizard

Question:18 what did the wizard demand to make Roger smell like a rose ?

  1. 10 pennies
  2. 4 pennies
  3. 5 pennies
  4. 7 pennies

Question:19 How many pennies did Roger have ?

  1. 7 pennies
  2. 6 pennies
  3. 8 pennies
  4. 4 pennies

Question:20 where did the wizard suggest Roger to get rest three pennies ?

  1. From a tree
  2. From a river
  3. from the ocean
  4. from a magic well
Should wizard hit mommy class 12 MCQ

Question:21 why does jo’s father want to punish the wizard ?

  1. As a mature person he thinks that wizard has tried to interfere with nature so it must be punished
  2. because he doesn’t like the wizard
  3. he thinks that wizard spoil children
  4. None of these

Question:22 why did mother skunk want her son to retain his identity ?

  1. she is an adult
  2. has a mature thinking
  3. wanted her son to be accepted as it’s
  4. all of these

Question:23 what is the moral of the story ?

  1. parents are wise and know what is best for them
  2. mother’s should not interfere in their children’s affairs
  3. mothers are cruel
  4. children are cute and right

Question:24 why did jack star finding story telling a ritual ?

  1. because it became a routine to make jo sleep
  2. because it was becoming interesting day by day
  3. friends were liking it
  4. None of these

Question:25 what does 4 year old child symbolise in the story ?

  1. innocence
  2. smartness
  3. obstinacy
  4. None of these

Question:26 what do adult people signify in the story ?

  1. maturity and experience
  2. wise words
  3. cruelty
  4. Indifference

Question:27 Over the crick, and there will be the wizard’s house. and that’s the way Roger skunk went, and pretty soon he came to a little white house, and he rapped on the door’ jack rapped on the window sill, and under the covers jo’s tall figure clenched in an infantile thrill’ and then a tiny little old man came out, with a long white beard and a pointed blue hat, and said ‘Eh?

wizards? whatcher want ? you smell awful’, the wizard’s voice was one of jack’s own favourite’s effects. he did it by scrunching up his face and somehow whining through his eyes, which felt for the interval rhyeumy. he felt being an old man suited him.

select the option that tells you about jack being a great storyteller.

1 jack knew the right way to the wizard’s house as if he had been there.

2 jack was commendable at giving his story realistic details.

3. jack’s delivery of speech with sound effects was remarkable.

4 jack looked like a really old man as if he was wizard.

  1. 1,2
  2. 2,3
  3. 3,4
  4. 1,4
  5. d

Question:28 Over the crick, and there will be the wizard’s house. and that’s the way Roger skunk went, and pretty soon he came to a little white house, and he rapped on the door’ jack rapped on the window sill, and under the covers jo’s tall figure clenched in an infantile thrill’ and then a tiny little old man came out, with a long white beard and a pointed blue hat, and said ‘Eh?

wizards? whatcher want ? you smell awful’, the wizard’s voice was one of jack’s own favourite’s effects. he did it by scrunching up his face and somehow whining through his eyes, which felt for the interval rhyeumy. he felt being an old man suited him

Pick the option that suitably decodes the wizard’s message when he says “Eh? wizards? whatcher want ?

  1. what is this ? what can you want ?
  2. what’s this ? what do you want ?
  3. who ? what can I do ?
  4. who are you ? what you want ?

Question:29 Over the crick, and there will be the wizard’s house. and that’s the way Roger skunk went, and pretty soon he came to a little white house, and he rapped on the door’ jack rapped on the window sill, and under the covers jo’s tall figure clenched in an infantile thrill’ and then a tiny little old man came out, with a long white beard and a pointed blue hat, and said ‘Eh?

wizards? whatcher want ? you smell awful’, the wizard’s voice was one of jack’s own favourite’s effects. he did it by scrunching up his face and somehow whining through his eyes, which felt for the interval rhyeumy. he felt being an old man suited him

what was Jo’s reaction to jack’s knock on the window ?

  1. she stiffended in anticipation of something thrilling.
  2. she held on to the covers tightly and compressed her lips.
  3. she relaxed, knowing that her father was around to protect her.
  4. she instantly responded in the voice of another character.

Question:30 all right. he said but mommy, all the other little animals run away, and she said’I don’t care. you smelled the way a little skunk should have and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard and she took an umbrella and went back with Roger skunk and hit that wizard right over the head’

No” Jo said and put her hand out to touch his lips, yet even in her agitation did not quite dare to stop the source of truth. Inspiration came to her. then the wizard hit her on the head and did not change that little skunk back”.

Roger skunk’s mommy was .. and …when she got to know the truth about her son’s aromatic body. choose the option to fill in the blank correctly.

1 vexed

2 dissastisfied

3 hostile

4 disheartened

  1. 1, 2
  2. 2,3
  3. 3,4
  4. 1,4

Question:31 all right. he said but mommy, all the other little animals run away, and she said’I don’t care. you smelled the way a little skunk should have and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard and she took an umbrella and went back with Roger skunk and hit that wizard right over the head’

No” Jo said and put her hand out to touch his lips, yet even in her agitation did not quite dare to stop the source of truth. Inspiration came to her. then the wizard hit her on the head and did not change that little skunk back”

Choose the option that appropriately shows a quote giving away the message Roger’s mommy wanted to give Roger.

  1. wanting to be someone else is the waste of the person you are.
  2. Groiwng up means realizing a lot of your friends aren’t really your friends
  3. Confidence is the best makeup you could ever wear.
  4. It takes nothing to join the crowd. it takes everything to be alone.

Question:32 all right. he said but mommy, all the other little animals run away, and she said’I don’t care. you smelled the way a little skunk should have and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard and she took an umbrella and went back with Roger skunk and hit that wizard right over the head’

No” Jo said and put her hand out to touch his lips, yet even in her agitation did not quite dare to stop the source of truth. Inspiration came to her. then the wizard hit her on the head and did not change that little skunk back”

Pick the option listing the reason jo wanted to change her father’s narrative.

  1. Jo was getting bored of her father controlling the entire narrative.
  2. Jo thought of the skunk’s mother as a villain for not letting him make friends.
  3. Jo was Interrupting her father’s narrative just to annoy him and have fun.
  4. Jo liked the wizard more and so she pity on him for getting beaten.

MCQ Answers

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These are very Important MCQ should wizards hit mommy class 12 This MCQ taken from the NCERT Book. if you are facing any problem in these questions. then you can tell me in the comment box.

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