The Enemy class 12 chapter 4 MCQ Question and Answer

The Enemy class 12 Chapter 4 English Vistas MCQ Question and Answer

MCQ of the enemy class 12 chapter 4 English Vistas NCERT Solution class 12 were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern practicing these MCQ of the enemy class 12 chapter 4 really effective to Improve your basics and learn all the key concept.

MCQ of the enemy class 12

mcq of the enemy class 12

Question:1 who is the author of the lesson The Enemy ?

  1. Pearl S. buck
  2. Dickens
  3. D.H Lawrence
  4. None of these

Question:2 why did Dr sadao treat the soldier when he was from enemy’s nationality ?

  1. He was a doctor
  2. it was against his professional ethics
  3. as a doctor he could not let anyone die
  4. All of these

Question:3 who was Dr, sadao?

  1. An Iranian Doctor
  2. An American doctor
  3. A japanese doctor
  4. None of these

Question:4 How did hana help Dr. sadao ?

  1. by assisting him
  2. by giving him money
  3. by giving him tools
  4. by working as a nurse

Question:5 why did the General not pass orders to arrest. Dr. sadao for giving space to a whiteman ?

  1. Because he trusted him
  2. because he needed him
  3. General was not in good health and needed his services
  4. None of these

Question:6 why did Dr.become irritable and impatient with his patient ?

  1. because of his inability to leave the white man to help his distressed wife
  2. because of many patients
  3. because of general’s pressure
  4. All of these

Question:7 why Dr.s wife feel distressed ?

  1. seeing many patients
  2. seeing general’s reaction
  3. seeing the orders
  4. seeing whiteman’s blood

Question:8 why did hana wash the wounded man herself?

  1. because there were no servants
  2. because her servant’s ran away
  3. because her servants refused to help an american enemy soldier
  4. None of these

Question:9 why did the servants refuse to help ?

  1. out of fears
  2. because of supersitions
  3. because he was an americant as soldier
  4. all of these

Question:10 How did Dr ensure that the american soldier had left safely ?

  1. by escorting him
  2. by seeing no signal of flashlight
  3. by giving him a call
  4. None of these

Question:11 why did sadao marry a japanese girl only ?

  1. because he liked japanese
  2. he didn’t like any other nationality
  3. because of his father’s fear
  4. because he didn’t want to upset his father

Question:12 what kind of person was sadao’s father ?

  1. A serious
  2. A jolly good man
  3. very strict
  4. A true patriot and tradional person

Question:13 why did the messenger come to the doctor ?

  1. To meet him
  2. For checkup
  3. To inform about the general’s pain
  4. all of these

Question:14 seeing the messenger what was hana’s reaction ?

  1. she got frightened
  2. she thought he has come to arrest her husband
  3. Both A and B
  4. All of these

Question:15 what kind of person the general was ?

  1. A kind hearted
  2. A wise man
  3. A selfish man
  4. None of these

Question:16 How did Dr get rid of the American soldier ?

  1. by giving him instruction
  2. by giving him flashlight to use in times of distress
  3. by asking him to row to the island
  4. all of these

Question:17 what was general’s plan for american soldier ?

  1. he wanted him to reach safely
  2. will inform his country
  3. will get him assassinated by some private assins
  4. None of these

Question:18 why did the servants leave Dr.s house ?

  1. because he was wonded
  2. because he was dirty
  3. because he was an american soldier and they didn’t like him
  4. All of these

Question:19 where did Dr find American soldier ?

  1. In the park
  2. In the battlefield
  3. outside his house
  4. None of these

Question:20 what conficting ideas disturb Dr.s mind after the he brought american soldier ?

  1. Duty of a doctor and loyality towards nation
  2. his wife’s health and general’s health
  3. patien’s health and servants
  4. servants behaviour
mcq of the enemy class 12

MCQ of the enemy class 12

Question:21 what kind of person Dr sadao was ?

  1. An Excellent doctor
  2. A compassionate human being
  3. sincere and responsibile citizen
  4. All of these

Question:22 why did Dr sadao go to America ?

  1. To meet the soldier
  2. To meet his friends
  3. To travel
  4. To study surgery and medicine which was his father’s wish

Question:23 what did Dr. give to the soldier ?

  1. His boat
  2. Food to eat
  3. Flashlight to use in distress
  4. All of these

Question:24 where did Dr. meet hana ?

  1. In japan
  2. In his neighbour
  3. in the battlefield
  4. at professor harley’s house in America

Question:25 at what age Dr. sadao went to america ?

  1. 22
  2. 32
  3. 12
  4. 42

Question:26 at what age of the came back to japan ?

  1. 20
  2. 40
  3. 30
  4. 50

Question:27 How many children Dr sadao has ?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 2

Question:28 what does Dr. sadao remember towards the end of the story ?

  1. All american faces
  2. Professor harley
  3. his first landlady, who was rude yet saved his life when he was suffering from influenza.
  4. All of these

Question:29 The man moaned with pain in his stupor but he did not awaken. the best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea’ sadao said.answering hismself. now that the bleeding was stopped for the moment he stood up and dusted the sand ffrom his hands.

Yes undoubtedly that would be best” hana said steadly.but she continued to satate down at the motionless man.if we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him over as a prisoner he would certainly die” sadao said. the kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea” hana said but neither of them moved. they were staring with curious replusion upon the inert figure

In which of the following options can the underlined words NOT be replaced with ‘stupor”?

  1. she hung up the phone feeling as though she had woken up from a slumber.
  2. The manager complained about the employee’s sluggishness.
  3. he seemed to be a trace when the doctor called upon him last week
  4. seeing him in a daze, the lawyer decided not to place him in the witness box.

Question:30 The man moaned with pain in his stupor but he did not awaken. the best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea’ sadao said.answering hismself. now that the bleeding was stopped for the moment he stood up and dusted the sand ffrom his hands.

Yes undoubtedly that would be best” hana said steadly.but she continued to satate down at the motionless man.if we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him over as a prisoner he would certainly die” sadao said. the kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea” hana said but neither of them moved. they were staring with curious replusion upon the inert figure

pick the option that best describes sadao and hana in the passage.

  1. sadao. scrupulous hana.wary
  2. sadao: daring hana: product
  3. sadao: prudent hana:suspicious
  4. sadao: wary hana: daring

Question:31 The man moaned with pain in his stupor but he did not awaken. the best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea’ sadao said.answering hismself. now that the bleeding was stopped for the moment he stood up and dusted the sand ffrom his hands.

Yes undoubtedly that would be best” hana said steadly.but she continued to satate down at the motionless man.if we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him over as a prisoner he would certainly die” sadao said. the kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea” hana said but neither of them moved. they were staring with curious replusion upon the inert figure

Pick the idiom that best describes the situation in which sadao and hana were in .

  1. to be like a fish out of water
  2. like water off a duck’s back
  3. to be dead in the water
  4. to be hot water

Question:32 why did the General not pass orders to arrest, Dr sadao for sheltering a white man?

  1. he was Ignorant
  2. he was a traitor
  3. General needed his services
  4. None of these

Question:33 what does this chapter revolve around?

  1. japan USA war
  2. china japan war
  3. India japan war
  4. All of these

Question:34 why did the messenger come to the doctor?

  1. To meet him
  2. for checkup
  3. To inform about the General’s pain
  4. all of these

Question:35 why was Dr, sadao not sent to the battlefield?

  1. because he had no interest
  2. he didn’t love his country
  3. he was supposed to take care of the general
  4. all of these

Question:36 Those scars’ she murmured, lifting her eyes to sadao. The scars”Do NOT Indicate

  1. torture perpetrated on prisoners of war.
  2. superiority of japan over America.
  3. the quest for supremacy in war.
  4. the rumours of torture often heard.

Question:37 Pick the quote that best describes the theme of the story.

  1. world belongs to humanity not this leader, that leader or that king or prince or religious leader. world belongs to humanity.
  2. You must not lose faith in humanity, humanity is an ocean,if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,the ocean does not become dirt.
  3. The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.
  4. To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity

Question:38 she did not wish to be left alone with the white man’ why did hana feel so, despite having studied in America? this was so because

  1. being japanese, it wasn’t appropriate to stay on with a stranger.
  2. America and japann were not allies in the ongoing world war.
  3. He was someone she’d recognised from her past in America.
  4. Her husband had cautioned her against the American

MCQ Answer

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These are very Important questions of the enemy class 12th which are taken from NCERT book and if you are facing any problem in these questions then you can tell me in the comment box.

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