A Roadside stand class 12 Poem 5 MCQ Question and Answer

A Roadside stand class 12 Poem 5 English Flamingo MCQ Question and Answer

A Roadside stand class 12 MCQ NCERT Solution for class 12 Poem 5 English Flamingo were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern Practicing these A Roadside stand class 12 MCQ Really effective to Improve your basics and learn all the key concept.

A Roadside stand class 12 MCQ

A Roadside stand class 12 MCQ

Question:1 what does the speaker or narrator call the thought of the owner of the stand ?

  1. A child like longing
  2. A very good thought
  3. A wise thought
  4. A childish longing in vain

Question:2 what would be the stete of poor rural folk at new location?

  1. Tension free as their needs will be looked
  2. they will be able to visit malls
  3. they will enjoy travelling malls and cinema halls
  4. they will be happy

Question:3 what was the news?

  1. City people will give money
  2. city people will help the poor
  3. Relocation and rersettlement of the rural folk to make then tension free by the government
  4. None of these

Question:4 who wanted to feel the money at hand and from whom ?

  1. The rural folk from the government
  2. the rural folk from the social agencies
  3. the rural folk from the government official
  4. the rural folk from the city people

Question:5 why is the word pathetic used for or “A Roadside stand ?

  1. For city people’s attitude
  2. for government’s behavior
  3. for city people’s behavior
  4. for poor condition of the owner of the stand

Question:6 what is the poet’s call to the polished traffic passing ahead ?

  1. He admires this
  2. he is indifferent to this
  3. he feels this indifferent attitude of the city folk and feels and pain of the rural folk
  4. All these

Question:7 why did a stopping car react ?

  1. To point out at the wrongly marked N and S directions
  2. To buy some items
  3. To appreciate their hard work
  4. To soothe the villagers

Question:8 what does support the flow of cities ?

  1. Travelling
  2. Rural people
  3. Government
  4. Flow of money

Question:9 who will soothe the rural poor?

  1. Government and social agencies
  2. Government officials
  3. promises made by the government
  4. city people will soothe

Question:10 why didn’t the polished traffic stop at the A” Roadside stand ?

  1. They didn’t like that place
  2. they are not considerate
  3. they were greedy
  4. All of these

Question:11 what news in the poem “A Roadside stand” is making round in the village ?

  1. City people are good people
  2. villagers will be given homes near theatre and stopping malls
  3. Rural folk is earning money
  4. None of these

Question:12 why are the city people called beasts of prey ?

  1. Because of their selfishness and tendancy to cheat others for benefit
  2. because they are well dressed
  3. they know how to earn money
  4. All of these

Question:13 what is the special quality of the city people ?

  1. they are good people
  2. they are smart
  3. they are superior
  4. know how to get benefit in a calculative manner

Question:14 who are the greedy doers ?

  1. The government
  2. old people
  3. The rural people
  4. the polished city folk

Question:15 why was the childish longing vain ?

  1. becasue it was useless
  2. because they were shifting
  3. because their wish of earning from city folk couldn’t fullfiled
  4. None of these

Question:16 what is being sold on roadside stand ?

  1. Furniture
  2. cosmetics
  3. diesel
  4. wild berries, golden squash and some other similar products

Question:17 why was “A Roadside stand “built “?

  1. so that poeple can wait there
  2. to make it a bus stop
  3. to earn money from city traffic
  4. None of these

Question:18 what does Frost describe in the poem ?

  1. The feelings of the owners of a roadside stand
  2. the feelings of passengers
  3. The feelings of people on foot path
  4. None of these

Question:19 what does Frosts poem deal with ?

  1. Anguish of poor people
  2. Humans
  3. Nature
  4. Building

Question:20 who is the poet “of A Roadside stand?

  1. Samuel Taylor
  2. Robert Frost
  3. Lord Byron
  4. Percy shelley

Question:21 what is the open prayer from near the open window ?

  1. For money to fall from the sky
  2. For more number of people to stop
  3. For getting money from government
  4. For the sound of coming cars to stop at the road to help owner to earn money

Question:22 what does I stand for in the poem ?

  1. Onwer of the stand
  2. City folk who stopped on the stand
  3. poet of the poem-Robert Frost
  4. None of these

Question:23 who are the “Pritiful kin’ in the poem ?

  1. social agencies
  2. Government officials
  3. city people with cars
  4. the poor rural folk and farmers

Question:24 who made ” A Roadside stand ” and where ?

  1. The sarpanch made in the village
  2. The government made in the village
  3. people from cities made in the village
  4. The poor rural people made in the village

Question:25 who went and waited in the lines ?

  1. The rural folk to hear the government’s declaration
  2. The rural folk to have a word with the government officials
  3. The rural folk to talk to the social agencies
  4. The rural folk went to hear the sound of stopping cars

Question:26 what is the Importance of cash flow for city people ?

  1. They love it
  2. they earn it with their hardwork
  3. they earn by befooling others
  4. it runs their life so it is their life line

Question:27 what promise was the government making to recolate the villagers ?

  1. To give them all the luxuries
  2. to show them movies
  3. their all needs will be looked after
  4. all these

Question:28 which words in the poem show that the poet was feeling hurt over the poor plight of rural folk ?

  1. sometimes I feel I can hardly bear
  2. the thought of so much childish longing in vain
  3. can’t help owning the great relief it would be to put these people at one stroke out of their pain
  4. All of these

Question:29 what do the flowers of cities in a roadside stand refer to ?

  1. City people
  2. City cars
  3. urban crowd
  4. The pleasures of cities

Question:30 who is Robert Frost ?

  1. An American storyteller
  2. An American essayist
  3. An American narrator
  4. An American twentieth century poet

Question:31 what does “Out of their wit” mean in the poem ?

  1. helping the poor people
  2. by showing rosy pictures to the poor people
  3. by fooling and exploiting the poor people to their own benefit
  4. all of these

Question:32 who wanted to feel the money at hand and from whom ?

  1. The rural folk from the government
  2. the rural folk from the social agencies
  3. The rural folk from the government officials
  4. The rural folk from the city people

Question:33 why is the word pathetic used for road side stand ?

  1. For city people’s attitide
  2. for government’s declaration
  3. for city people’s behavior
  4. for poor condition of the owner of the stand

Question:34 The Polished taffic passed with a mind ahead, or if ever aside a monet, then out of sorts at having the landscape marred with the artless paint of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong ..

The Polished traffic in particular refers to the

  1. sophisticated city dwellers in their vehicles
  2. shiny cars that the poet sees on the road.
  3. extremely affluent people living in the neighbhourhood.
  4. civilized manner in which traffic is coordinated.

Question:35 The polished traffic, passed with a mind ahead, or if ever aside, a moment, then out of sorts at having the landscape marred with the artless paint of sings that N turned wrong and S turned wrong..

The urban and educated people have their minds ahead,

Choose the option suggesting the correct meaning behind this line.

  1. The people are well-educated and knowledgeable about the condition of the poor.
  2. The people are concentrating on the road that is ahead in order to drive safely.
  3. The people are preoccupied only by the thoughts of their lives and nothing else.
  4. The people are focussed on their goal of bettering the country.

Question:36 The polished traffic, passed with a mind ahead, or if ever aside, a moment, then out of sorts at having the landscape marred with the artless paint of sings that N turned wrong and S turned wrong..

what do the urban rich feel about the S and N signs that have been painted wrong ?

  1. Tolerant
  2. Amused
  3. Sympatheric
  4. Annoyed

MCQ Answers

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The Roadside stand Poem 5 CBSE class 12th Important MCQ are taken from NCERT Book. if you have any problem in this then tell me in the comment box.

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