Aunt jennifer’s Tiger class 12 MCQ Question and Answer

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers class 12 Poem 6 English Flamingo MCQ Question and Answer

Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers class 12 MCQ NCERT Solution English Flamingo Poem 6 were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern Practicing these Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers class 12 MCQ really effective to Improve your basics and learn all the key concept.

Aunt Jennifer's Tigers class 12 MCQ

Question:1 who is the poet of the poem ?

  1. Adrienne Rich
  2. Jonathan Aaron
  3. J.H.M abbott
  4. Mark Abley

Question:2 what does echo through her work ?

  1. A strong resistance to racism
  2. her love for poetry
  3. her passion of essay writing
  4. her wish to publish her work

Question:3 what issue does the poem aunt jennifer’s tiger address ?

  1. Constraint of woman
  2. Constraints of woman life a woman experience
  3. Constraints of women as a poet
  4. None of these

Question:4 what do you understand by the words denizen’s and chivalric’ in the poem ?

  1. The dominat and highly arrogant attitude of the wild animal-tiger
  2. Tiger is a wild animal
  3. Tiger is hungry
  4. Beauty of the tiger

Question:5 what do aunt jennifer’s fluttering hands through her wool in the second stanza tell us ?

  1. The lost freedom and fear of jennifer’s mind because of marital restraints
  2. her old age
  3. her love for embroidery and knitting
  4. her love for tigers

Question:6 why is she finding the needle so hard to pull ?

  1. because of fluttering fingers
  2. because of trembling hands
  3. because of her fears
  4. because of the heavy weight of her marriage ring

Question:7 what does the image ‘massive weight of the wedding band ‘ mean ?

  1. wedding bond of hard married life
  2. fatty structure of uncle
  3. fatty body of aunty
  4. heavy body of tiger

Question:8 what are the ordeals aunt jennifers is surrounding by ?

  1. wild animals
  2. old people
  3. a heavy crowd
  4. heavy responsibilities of married life

Question:9 what is the purpose of creating animals which are completely a contrast to aunt’s character?

  1. To show her strength and ability of not giving up in the face of difficulties
  2. her courage
  3. her fears and strength
  4. None of these

Question:10 Tell and Interpret the meaning of Denizen of a world of green “

  1. Forest haters
  2. Forest lovers
  3. Forest dwellers
  4. All of these

Question:11 what is the wedding band ?

  1. Ring
  2. Ring ceremony
  3. Marriage between uncle and aunt
  4. All of these

Question:12 what did marriage bring for jennifer ?

  1. unhappiness
  2. loss of freedom
  3. loss of freedom and burden
  4. A heavy mountain

Question:13 what did ordeals or tough times do in jennifer’s life ?

  1. They made her a hard hearted person
  2. she developed hatred
  3. she became weak
  4. they crushed her artistic personality

Question:14 what is the poet convering through aunt jennifer’s tiger ?

  1. wild life
  2. courageous tigers
  3. Tigers and their courage
  4. Female existence and their fear of men

Question:15 Interpret terrified hands.

  1. physical condition of aunt
  2. mental state of aunt
  3. tensed. troubled physical and mental state of aunt jennifers
  4. all of these

Question:16 How are aunt jennifer’s tiger different from her ?

  1. Aunt lives in a city and tiger in forests
  2. aunt is old and tigers are young
  3. tigers are courage and carefree and aunt is terrified
  4. None of these

Question:17 what lies heavy on aunt jennifer’s hand ?

  1. Needles
  2. Embroideries
  3. work pressure
  4. wedding ring

Question:18 How do this prancing tigers look ?

  1. Just like Diamond
  2. just like Topaz
  3. Just like coal
  4. just like stone

Question:19 why did aunt embroider tigers on the panel ?

  1. To express her repressed feelings
  2. to express her strengths
  3. to express her fighting spirit a warrior
  4. All of these

Question:20 Aunt Jennifer’s finger fluttering through her wool Find even the ivoy needle hard to pull.

The massive weight of uncle’s wedding band sits heavily upon aunt jennifer’s hand.

How would you describe aunt jennifer based on the above extract ?

  1. oppressed
  2. malnourished
  3. aging
  4. diseased

Question:21 Uncle’s wedding band sits heavily on aunt jennifer’s hand because.

  1. it is an expensive and heavy ring.
  2. she was married against her will
  3. she feels burdened in her marriage.
  4. she feels burdened in her marriage.

Question:22 Aunt Jennifer’s finger fluttering through her wool Find even the ivoy needle hard to pull.

The massive weight of uncle’s wedding band sits heavily upon aunt jennifer’s hand.

Which of the following is an examples of an alliteration ?

  1. finger fluttering through the wool
  2. upon aunt jennifer’s hand
  3. ivory needle hard to pull
  4. massive weight of uncle’s wedding band

Question:23 when aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie

still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. the tigers in the panel that she made will go on prancing proud and unafraid.

Read the statement given below. aunt jennifer’s plight is best explained by her hands, they hold both her freedom and the instrument of her important

Choose the option that best explains the above statement, as per the extract .

  1. Aunt jennifer’s hands are terrified but whe she is dead, her tigers will room free.
  2. aunt jennifer knits her desires, but is overpowered by the wedding ring she wears,
  3. Aunt jennifer’s tigers are proud and unafraid but she is mastered by ringed ordeals.
  4. Aunt jennifer makes panels of tigers when she has time from her responsibilities.

Question:24 when aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie

still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. the tigers in the panel that she made will go on prancing proud and unafraid.

which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the given extract ?

  1. Aunt jennifer’s tigers will keep her alive in everyone’s memory.
  2. Aunt jennifer feels oppressed and constricted in her marriage.
  3. Even in dead, aunt jennifer cannot escape patriachal subjugation.
  4. Aunt jennifer’s tiger prance as a lasting symbol of her desires.

MCQ Answers

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Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers class 12th Poem 6 MCQ Important MCQ and belong to the English Flamingo.if you are facing any problem related to the questions, then you can tell me in the comment box.

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