Class 12 biology molecular basis of inheritance MCQ

Molecular basis of Inheritance class 12 Chapter 6 MCQ Question and Answer

Class 12 biology molecular basis of inheritance mcq taken from NCERT Chapter 6 These MCQs are prepared latest Exam pattern. Practising these class 12 biology molecular basis of inheritance MCQ Really effective to Improve your understanding level.

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Class 12 biology molecular basis of inheritance MCQ

Question:1 In DNA helix.

  1. Quadrate structure
  2. Polarity
  3. Antiparallel polarity
  4. Disulphide bond

Question:2 During splicing axon attached and inducer enzyme for reaction.

  1. RNA Ligase
  2. RNA Catalase
  3. RNA permease
  4. RNA Polymerases

Question:3 During DNA synthesis formed segment is.

  1. Polymerase fragment
  2. RNA Fragment
  3. Okazaki fragment
  4. RNA Primer

Question:4 DNA fragments are joined in a correct sequence by.

  1. DNA ligase
  2. RNA Polymerase
  3. Helicase
  4. DNA Polymerase

Question:5 The ratio constant for a species is

  1. T+C/G+A
  2. A+C/T+T
  3. G+G/A+T
  4. A+C/C+T

Question:6 DNA repairing is done by .

  1. By DNA polymerase I
  2. By DNA Polymerase II
  3. Both a and B
  4. by Ligase

Question:7 The enxyme involved in transcription is .

  1. DNA Polymerase I
  2. DNA Polymerase II
  3. RNA Polymerase
  4. DNA Polymerase

Question:8 Antiparallel strands of a DNA Molecule means that.

  1. One strand turns clockwise
  2. One strand turns anticlockwise
  3. The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA strands are in opposite position
  4. The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA strands, at their ends, share the same position.

Question:9 which one is mainly transcribed .

  1. Only RNA sequence
  2. Middle repetitive DNA sequence
  3. Highly repetitive DNA sequence
  4. single copy of DNA sequence

Question:10 Amino acid sequence in protein synthesis is decided by the sequence of ?

  1. c-DNA
  2. r-RNA
  3. f-RNA
  4. m-RNA

Question:11 DNA Multiplication is also called.

  1. Replication
  2. Transduction
  3. Translation
  4. Transcription

Question:12 One turn of the helix in p-from DNA is approximately.

  1. 20 A
  2. 2 nm
  3. 20 nm
  4. 34 nm

Question:13 Okazaki fragments is.

  1. RNA primer
  2. small segments of DNA on leading stand
  3. small segments of DNA on lagging stand
  4. None of these

Question:14 Transposons occur in .

  1. In Eukaryotes
  2. In Prokaryotes
  3. in Both a and b
  4. None of these

Question:15 One of these is not prepared directly from DNA

  1. M-RNA
  2. F-RNA
  3. R-RNA
  4. Protein

Question:16 Coiling of DNA duplex is .

  1. Left-handed
  2. Right-handed
  3. parallel
  4. all of these

Question:17 DNA double helix model was given by .

  1. Knoll and Ruska
  2. Khorana
  3. watson and crick
  4. priestiely

Question:18 In prokaryotic translation, GTP modecule required in at.

  1. Formation of formyl-met-f-RNA
  2. Joining of 30s sub-unit of ribosome with n-RNA
  3. Joining of 50s subunit of ribosome with initation complex
  4. all of these

Question:19 DNA transcription, if nucleotide sequence of DNA strand, that is being coded in ATACG, then the nucleotide sequence in m-RNA would be.

  1. UATGC
  2. TATGC
  3. TCTGG
  4. UAUGC

Question:20 In a m-RNA how many nucledotides sequence code for amino acid.

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. four

Question:21 RNA from which has clover leaf model.

  1. f-RNA
  2. r-RNA
  3. hn-RNA
  4. m-RNA

Question:22 The fact that a purine base always paired through hydrogen bonds with a pyrimidine base leads to, in the DNA double helix.

  1. The antiparallel nature
  2. the semicoservative nature
  3. uniform width throughout DNA
  4. uniform length in all DNA

Question:23 the net electric charge on DNA and histones is .

  1. both positive
  2. both negative
  3. negative and positive, respectively
  4. Zero

Question:24 which of the following statements is the most appropriate for sickle cell anaemia ?

  1. It cannot be treated with iron supplements.
  2. It is a molecular disease.
  3. It confers resistance of acquiring malaria.
  4. all of these

Question:25 One of the following is true with respect to AUG

  1. it codes for methionine only
  2. it is also an initation codon
  3. it codes for methionine in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  4. all of these

Question:26 The first genetic material could be.

  1. Protein
  2. carbohydrates
  3. DNA
  4. RNA

Question:27 which of the following statements is the most appropriate for sickle cell anaemia ?

  1. It cannot be trated with iron supplements.
  2. it is a molecular disease.
  3. it confers resistance of aquiring malaria.
  4. all of the above.

Question:28 One of the following is true with respect to AUG

  1. It codes for methionine only
  2. it is also an initiation codon
  3. it codes for methionine in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  4. all of the above

Question:29 The first genetic material could be

  1. Protein
  2. carbohydrates
  3. DNA
  4. RNA

Question:30 The human chromosome with the highest and least number of genes in them are respectively.

  1. Chromosome 21 and Y
  2. Chromosome 1 and X
  3. Chromosome 1 and Y
  4. Chromosome X and Y

MCQ Answer

Question No Answer Question NoAnswer
Q & A

Question:1 If the base adenine constitutes 31% of an isolated DNA fragment, then what is the expected percentage of the base cytosine in it?

Answer: According to Chargaff’s rule A + G = C+ T = 50%
∴ if A = 31% then T = 31%;
C + T = 50%
∴ C = 50% – 31% = 19%

Question:2 What is an origin of replication in a chromosome? State its function

Answer: Replication does not initiate randomly at any place in DNA (chromosome). So, there is a definite region in DNA (chromosome) termed as origin of replication. It is the place from where DNA replication originates. It helps in propagation of a piece of DNA, during recombinant DNA procedures

Question:3 In a typical nucleus, some regions of chromatin are stained light and others dark. Explain why is it so and what is its significance. 

Answer: In a typical nucleus, some regions of chromatin are stained light because of loose packing of chromatin and some regions of chromatin are stained dark because, chromatin is densely packed. Euchromatin is transcriptionally active chromatin (lightly stained) while heterochromatin (darkly stained) is transcriptionally inactive.

Question:4 What is DNA fingerprinting? Mention its application.

Answer: DNA fingerprinting is a technique used to identify and analyze the variations in various individuals at the level of DNA. It is based on variability and polymorphism in DNA sequences


  1. It is used in forensic science to identify potential crime suspects.
  2. It is used to establish paternity and family relationships.
  3. It is used to identify and protect the commercial varieties of crops and livestock.
  4. It is used to find out the evolutionary history of an organism and trace out the linkages between groups of various organisms.

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Class 12 biology molecular basis of inheritance MCQ These are very Important MCQs Please Read all the questions and give the answer at yourself first than you can check my answer if your answer is correct so congratulation but if your answer is incorrect so don’t worry you can practice more

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