Human Health and Disease class 12 MCQ Question and Answer

Human Health and Disease class 12 Chapter 8 MCQ Question and Answer

Human Health and Disease class 12 MCQ taken from NCERT Book These are 36 Most Important MCQ by prepared according to the latest Exam pattern. Practicing these Human Health and Disease class 12 MCQ Really effective in improving your understanding level

Introduction to Health and Disease: This section is based on understanding the difference between health and disease. Questions may relate to the definition of health, components of a healthy lifestyle, and factors that contribute to disease development.

Infectious Diseases: MCQs in this category explore the modes of transmission, pathogens, symptoms, and preventive measures of various infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, dengue and HIV/AIDS. Students identify the microbial agents responsible for each disease and may need to understand the importance of vaccination and sanitation.

Non-communicable diseases: This section covers chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and genetic diseases. MCQs can cover risk factors, diagnostic techniques, treatment options, and lifestyle changes to effectively manage these diseases.

Immunity and immunization: Includes questions related to the structure, function, and response mechanisms of the immune system. Students can be tested on types of immunity, antigen-antibody interactions, vaccination schedules, and the role of herd immunity in fighting disease.

Healthcare and Medical Technologies: This category focuses on healthcare infrastructure, medical developments, diagnostic tools, and treatment modalities. MCQs may include topics such as telemedicine, organ transplantation, gene therapy, and ethical considerations in medical research and practice.

Epidemiology and Public Health: Students will encounter questions related to epidemiologic concepts, disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and community-level prevention strategies. Knowledge of epidemiological principles is necessary to combat infectious diseases and promote public health.

Health Education and Promotion: This section emphasizes the importance of health education, disease prevention, and health promotion campaigns. MCQs can assess students’ knowledge of health communication strategies, behavior change models, and the role of the media in the dissemination of health information.

Question:1 AIDS occurs by which cause?

  1. Reduction of T-helper cells
  2. Reduction of killer T-cells
  3. Auto immune
  4. less production of interferon

Question:2 Heroin is the form of .

  1. Aesthetic
  2. Hallucination
  3. Irritation
  4. all of these

Question:3 Caffein, Anphetamine and occeins are.

  1. Pain killer
  2. Transquilizer
  3. Hallucination
  4. stimulant

Question:4 Following is hallucinator

  1. LSD
  2. Heroin
  3. Cocein
  4. Morphin

Question:5 world AIDS day is.

  1. I may
  2. 20 December
  3. I june
  4. I december

Question:6 by the plant of which family heroin is obtained ?

  1. Leguminacease
  2. papa veracease
  3. Liliaece
  4. solanacease

Question:7 Opiates are obtained from

  1. thea sinesis
  2. coffea arabica
  3. oryzasativa
  4. papaver seminiferum

Question:8 PCR is test for .

  1. HIV
  2. Cancer
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Cholera

Question:9 Following which is STD

  1. Typhoid
  2. Cholera
  3. Malaria
  4. syphilis

Question:9 which organ of body is most affected by excessive intake of alcohol ?

  1. Lungs
  2. Liver
  3. stomach
  4. spleen

Question:10 Cpmmon cold is caused by .

  1. Retro virus
  2. phage virus
  3. Rhino virus
  4. sendai virus

Question:11 which of the following is the cancer of blood ?

  1. sarcoma
  2. Lymphomas
  3. Leukaemia
  4. None of these

Question:12 Gonorrhoea is caused by.

  1. by Treponema palladium
  2. by Entamoeba gingivits
  3. by Mycobacterium tape
  4. By Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Question:13 Antigen-binding site in an antibody, is found between .

  1. two light chains
  2. two heavy chains
  3. one heavy and one light chains or between one heavy and one light chain
  4. one heavy and one light chain

Question:14 Alcohol is the most socially accepted narcotic drug. Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to.

  1. Loss of memory
  2. Live Cirrhosis
  3. state of halluncination
  4. suppression of brain function

Question:15 Disease associated with secretion of toxin is .

  1. TB
  2. AIDS
  3. Tetanus
  4. Food poisoning

Question:16 widal test is done to confirm

  1. Malaria
  2. Typhoid
  3. AIDS
  4. Cancer

Question:17 which part of poppy plant yields opium .

  1. Latex from unripe capsules
  2. Dried roots
  3. Dried leaves
  4. Dried seeds

Question:18 What is the primary function of the immune system?

  1. A) Digestion
  2. B) Respiration
  3. C) Protection against diseases
  4. D) Circulation

Question:19 Antibiotics are effective against which type of pathogens?

  1. A) Bacteria
  2. B) Viruses
  3. C) Fungi
  4. D) Protozoa

Question:20 What is the causative agent of malaria?

  1. A) Plasmodium
  2. B) Trypanosoma
  3. C) E. coli
  4. D) Streptococcus

Question:21 Which type of immunity is developed after recovering from an infection?

  1. A) Active natural immunity
  2. B) Passive natural immunity
  3. C) Active artificial immunity
  4. D) Passive artificial immunity

Question:22 What is the role of white blood cells in the immune system?

  1. A) Carry oxygen
  2. B) Transport nutrients
  3. C) Fight infections
  4. D) Coagulate blood

Question:23 hich organ is responsible for filtering blood, removing toxins, and producing antibodies?

  1. A) Liver
  2. B) Spleen
  3. C) Kidney
  4. D) Lungs

Question:24 What is the primary mode of transmission for HIV?

  1. A) Airborne
  2. B) Waterborne
  3. C) Vector-borne
  4. D) Sexual contact

Question:25 What is the first line of defense in the immune system?

  1. A) Antibodies
  2. B) Skin and mucous membranes
  3. C) White blood cells
  4. D) Vaccination

Question:26 Which disease is caused by a deficiency of insulin?

  1. A) Tuberculosis
  2. B) Diabetes
  3. C) Cholera
  4. D) Dengue

Question:27 Which type of immunity is developed after recovering from an infection?

  1. A) Active natural immunity
  2. B) Passive natural immunity
  3. C) Active artificial immunity
  4. D) Passive artificial immunity

Question:28 Which of the following diseases is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito?

  1. A) Malaria
  2. B) Dengue
  3. C) Tuberculosis
  4. D) Typhoid

Question:29 What is the causative agent of typhoid?

  1. A) Plasmodium
  2. B) Salmonella typhi
  3. C) Trypanosoma
  4. D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Question:30 Which of the following is a bacterial disease?

  1. A) Influenza
  2. B) Malaria
  3. C) Tuberculosis
  4. D) Dengue

Human Health and Disease class 12 MCQ very tough and Important Exam level.

Question:31 Which specific type of white blood cell is primarily responsible for antibody production in the immune system?

  1. A) Neutrophils
  2. B) Monocytes
  3. C) Eosinophils
  4. D) B-lymphocytes

Question:32 Which immunoglobulin class is the first to appear in response to an infection and is the most abundant antibody in the blood?

  1. A) IgA
  2. B) IgM
  3. C) IgG
  4. D) IgE

Question:33 What is the term for the process of engulfing and digesting foreign particles and cellular debris by phagocytes in the immune system?

  1. A) Chemotaxis
  2. B) Opsonization
  3. C) Hematopoiesis
  4. D) Apoptosis

Question:34 Which specific region of the brain is responsible for regulating body temperature during an infection?

  1. A) Medulla oblongata
  2. B) Cerebellum
  3. C) Hypothalamus
  4. D) Pons

Question:35 Which type of T-lymphocytes are responsible for directly killing infected cells and tumor cells?

  1. A) Helper T-cells
  2. B) Cytotoxic T-cells
  3. C) Memory T-cells
  4. D) Suppressor T-cells

Question:36 hich of the following diseases is caused by a prion, an infectious agent composed of protein material without DNA or RNA?

  1. A) Tuberculosis
  2. B) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  3. C) Influenza
  4. D) Typhoid

MCQ Answers

Question NoAnswer Question NoAnswer

Q & A

Question 1: What is the primary function of the immune system in the human body?

Answer: The primary function of the immune system is to protect the body from diseases and infections by identifying and neutralizing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders.

Question 2: Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity.

Answer: Active immunity is acquired when the body’s immune system produces antibodies in response to an infection or vaccination. Passive immunity, on the other hand, is temporary immunity obtained from the transfer of pre-made antibodies, such as through maternal antibodies or antibody-rich serum.

Question 3: Describe the role of white blood cells in the immune system.

Answer: White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, play a crucial role in the immune system. They are responsible for recognizing and destroying pathogens, producing antibodies, and regulating the immune response to protect the body from infections and diseases.

Question 4: What is the significance of the lymphatic system in human health and immunity?

Answer: The lymphatic system is essential for maintaining fluid balance, filtering harmful substances from the blood, and producing antibodies. It also plays a key role in the immune response by transporting immune cells and lymphatic fluids to help fight infections.

Question 5: How does vaccination work to provide immunity against specific diseases?

Answer: Vaccination introduces a harmless or weakened form of a pathogen into the body, stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies without causing the disease. This prepares the immune system to recognize and defend against the actual pathogen if encountered in the future, providing immunity.

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In conclusion, a thorough understanding of human health and disease is crucial for Class 12 students. The immune system’s role in safeguarding the body from infections, the concept of immunity, and the functions of various immune cells are essential topics. Additionally, vaccination is a powerful tool for disease prevention. These concepts form the foundation for comprehending the complexities of health and disease in the human body, equipping students with valuable knowledge for their academic journey and beyond.

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