Ancient Education system of India class 8 MCQ

Ancient Education system of India class 8 English It so happened MCQ Question and Answer

Ancient Education system of India class 8 MCQ taken from NCERT Book English It so happened were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern. Practising these Ancient Education system of India class 8 MCQ Really effective to Improve your Understanding level.

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Ancient Education system of India class 8 MCQ

Question:1 what was considered as the highest form of donation back then ?

  1. Contribution towards food
  2. Contribution towards education
  3. Contribution towards children
  4. All of these

Answer (B)

Question:2 when did I-Qing and Xuan Zang visit Nalanda ?

  1. 5 century CE
  2. 12 Century CE
  3. 7 Century CE
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:3 what did teachers have automony for ?

  1. Selecting students
  2. Designing their syllabi
  3. Concluding the course
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:4 what is the other name of Chanakya ?

  1. Chandragupta maurya
  2. Panini
  3. Magadh
  4. Kautiya

Answer (D)

Question:5 Takshila included religious teaching of

  1. Hinduism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Christianity
  4. Islam


Question:6 where did monks and nus learn ?

  1. Temples
  2. viharas
  3. Gurukuls
  4. Tols

Answer (B)

Question:7 How long did children stay away for their homes ?

  1. For each standard
  2. for a year
  3. for a decade
  4. Till they achieved their goals

Answer (D)

Question:8 Maitrey!, Viswambhara, Apala Gargi and Lopamudra have been called

  1. woman scholars
  2. Queens
  3. Teachers
  4. sisters of scholars

Answer (A)

Question:9 How did students memorise what was taught in class ?

  1. by writing
  2. by meditating
  3. by revising
  4. by playing

Answer (B)

Question:10 The residential places of learning was

  1. Temples
  2. Gurukul
  3. Tols
  4. Viharas

Answer (B)

Question:11 Besides their teachers, who helped the youngest students ?

  1. Advanced students
  2. parents
  3. society
  4. King

Answer (A)

Question:12 what was taught in the name of physical education ?

  1. Krida
  2. Vyayamaprakara
  3. Yogasadhana
  4. All of these

Answer (D)

Question:13 The education system emphasised on

  1. Healthy mind
  2. Healthy body
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

Answer (C)

Question:14 which balance were students taught to appreciate ?

  1. Balance between universe and the world
  2. Balance between animals and plants
  3. Balance between nature and human beings
  4. All of these

Answer (C)

Question:15 To them, India was a land of

  1. wealth
  2. wonder
  3. Abundance
  4. Greenery

Answer (B)

Question:16 what was the form of teaching ?

  1. Oral
  2. written
  3. Both A And B
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:17 who was panini ?

  1. Grammarian
  2. physicist
  3. Astronomer
  4. Mathematician

Answer (A)

Question:18 who was shilabhadra ?

  1. Chinese scholar
  2. Indian Scholar
  3. Chancellor of Nalanda
  4. King

Answer (C)

Question:19 what was cosnidered as the highest form of donation back then ?

  1. Contribution towards food
  2. Contribution towards education
  3. Contribution towards children
  4. All of these

Answer (B)

Question:20 what was Nalanda called earlier ?

  1. Nolanda
  2. Nala
  3. Taxila
  4. Nilanda

Answer (B)

Question:21 what do you mean by ‘Kavyas”?

  1. Learned disciplines
  2. Imaginative
  3. Creative literature
  4. Both B and C

Answer (D)

Question:22 what were the source of learning draw from various disciplines ?

  1. Itihas, Anviksiki, Mimamsa
  2. shilpashastra, Arthashastra
  3. Varta, Dhanurvidya
  4. all of them

Answer (D)

Question:23 The Meaning of “Itihas”

  1. History
  2. polity
  3. Logic
  4. Archery

Answer (A)

Question:24 which source of learning means “logic”?

  1. Varta
  2. Nala
  3. Arthashastra
  4. Anviksiki

Answer (D)

Question:25 what is the meaning of ‘ Dhanurvidya’?

  1. Architecture
  2. Archery
  3. Interpretation
  4. Polity

Answer (B)

Question:26 what is the meaning of “varta”?

  1. Agriculture
  2. Trade and commerce
  3. Animal husbandry
  4. All of these

Answer (D)

Question:27 what were pupils taught as th physical education ?

  1. Krida
  2. Vyayamaprakara
  3. Yogasadhana
  4. all of them

Answer (D)

Question:28 why Dhanurvidya was laught ?

  1. For exercise
  2. To train mind and body
  3. to aquire martial skills
  4. To learn mental health

Answer (C)

Question:29 who worked coscientinously together to become proficient in all aspect of learning ?

  1. Man and woman
  2. Gurus and their pupils
  3. Human and animals
  4. animals and birds

Answer (B)

Question:30 what were organised to assess pupils learning ?

  1. Debates
  2. Guidance
  3. Interaction
  4. Yoga

Answer (A)

Question:31 For how long students lived away from their homes ?

  1. Till they achieved their goals
  2. For ten years
  3. Till adolescence period
  4. whole life

Answer (A)

Question:32 The ………..was also the place where the relationship of the guru and shishya strengthened with time.

  1. Gurukul
  2. Paathshalas
  3. Universities
  4. Tols

Answer (A)

Question:33 why many monasteries were set up for monks and nuns?

  1. To meditate
  2. To debate
  3. To discuss
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:34 what were set up for monks and nuns to acquire knowledge ?

  1. Gurukuls
  2. Paathshalas
  3. Viharas
  4. Tols

Answer (C)

Question:35 Mention the other countries where educational centers of higher learning developed.

  1. China, Korea, Tibet
  2. Burma, Ceylon
  3. Java, Nepal
  4. all of these

Answer (A)

Question:36 who were Xuan Zang and I -Qing ?

  1. Japanese scholars
  2. Chinese Scholars
  3. Korean scholars
  4. Indian scholars

Answer (B)

Question:37 who took active interest in promoting education ?

  1. Gurus
  2. King’s
  3. Society
  4. Both B and C

Answer (D)

Question:38 where were the most notable universities evolved during the ancient period ?

  1. Takshashifa, Nalanda
  2. Valabhi, Viramshila
  3. Odantapuri, Jagaddala
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

Question:39 what was situated at Takshashia, Nalanda, valabhi, Vikramashila, Odantapuri and Jagaddala ?

  1. University
  2. Gurukul
  3. Tob
  4. Viharas

Answer (A)

Question:40 which places of university developed in connection with temples?

  1. Banaras
  2. Navadeep
  3. Kanchi
  4. all of these

Answer (D)

English It so happened class 8 MCQs
  1. Chapter 1: How the Camel Got His Hump class 8 MCQ
  2. Chapter 2: Children at work class 8 MCQ
  3. Chapter 3: The selfish Giant class 8 MCQ
  4. Chapter 4: The Treasure within class 8 MCQ
  5. Chapter 5: Princess september class 8 MCQ
  6. Chapter 6: The Fight class 8 MCQ


Ancient Education system of India class 8 MCQ taken from NCERT book it so happened Please read all the questions. carefully and give the answer at yourself first than you can check my answer, if your answer is correct so congratulation but, if your answer is incorrect so don’t worry you can practice more only.

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