The Comet 2 class 8 Chapter 10 MCQ Question and Answer

The comet 2 class 8 English It so happened Chapter 10 MCQ Question and Answer

The comet class 8 MCQ taken from NCERT Book English It so happened Chapter 10 were prepared according to the latest Exam pattern. Practising these The comet 2 MCQ Really effective To Improve your understanding level.

Question:1 The scientific world was much worried because the comet Dutta was about to

  1. Disappear
  2. burn away
  3. hit the earth
  4. hit the moon

Answer (C)

Question:2 The conference went under total cover of secrecy because

  1. The news could cause panic
  2. it was their habit to be sercretive
  3. comet brings ill-luck
  4. nobody likes comets

Answer (A)

Question:3 The Experts decided to have

  1. defensive measures
  2. no worry at all
  3. aggresive measures
  4. faith God

Answer (C)

Question:4 How far sir Macpherson was hopeful about the success?

  1. fully
  2. not at all
  3. some hope
  4. he didn’t think about the hope

Answer (C)

Question:5 Duttada toured the British Isles for

  1. a month
  2. two weeks
  3. one weeks
  4. two months

Answer (B)

Question:6 Duttada became quite friendly with

  1. sir macpherson
  2. many Britishers
  3. forsyth
  4. nobody

Answer (A)

Question:7 Cometary collisions are expected to occur

  1. at regular intervals
  2. once in a 100 years
  3. once in a thousand years
  4. once in ten million years

Answer (D)

Question:8 who performed the yajna ?

  1. Khoka
  2. Duttada
  3. sibaji babu
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:9 How close did comet dutta come near earth ?

  1. very close
  2. 80, 000 kilometres
  3. 50, 000 kilometres
  4. Not so close

Answer (B)

Question:10 when did he receive the next message from sir John ?

  1. October 10
  2. Novembver 15
  3. November 18
  4. December 15

Answer (C)

Question:11 May I know what specific advantage there is in this ceremony ? what was the specific advantage ?

  1. Prevent ill-effect of the comet
  2. welcoming him from London
  3. Preventing bad luck
  4. Ensuring peace

Answer (A)

Question:12 what was the crowd at his home for ?

  1. Greeting him
  2. Lunch
  3. A yajna
  4. star gazing

Answer (C)

Question:13 The success of the experiment depended on

  1. The timing of their operation
  2. The amount of nuclear load
  3. The distance of the comet from the Earth
  4. How massive the comet was

Answer (D)

Question:14 what was the name of their operation ?

  1. Project Light action
  2. Project Light Brigade
  3. Project Camera Action
  4. Project Nuclear Brigade

Answer (B)

Question:15 what measure(s) did the experts dimiss ?

  1. Defensive
  2. Offensive
  3. No action
  4. Both A and B

Answer (A)

Question:16 How long did the Conference continune for ?

  1. A day
  2. Two days
  3. A week
  4. two weeks

Answer (C)

Question:17 who was sir John’s special invitee ?

  1. Indrani Debi
  2. James Forsyth
  3. Manoj Dutta
  4. All of the above

Answer (C)

Question:18 why was it hard to believe the calamity of the future on that night ?

  1. He night was peaceful
  2. It was very late
  3. It was unbelievable
  4. it was a lie

Answer (A)

Question:19 what was the first thing experts did in the meeting ?

  1. Cheacked and rechecked james’ calculations
  2. Disagreed upon james predictions
  3. came to solutions
  4. had lunch

Answer (A)

Question:20 The lesson comet-I and comet -II is written by

  1. Jayant Narlikar
  2. John Macpherson
  3. Manoj Dutta
  4. Indrani Debi

Answer (A)

Question:21 what was drawn up for the secret operation ?

  1. Measurement
  2. Time Table
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:22 Name their secret operation ..

  1. Project light brigade
  2. Presenting light brigade
  3. Project light board
  4. Project comet brigade

Answer (A)

Question:23 Mention the date of rendezvous with the comet and detonation of the playlod.

  1. Oct 10
  2. Dec 15
  3. Nov 15
  4. Nov 18

Answer (C)

Question:4 On which date either the comet would hit the earth or would pass by a near as safe distance ?

  1. Oct 10
  2. Nov 22
  3. Nov 15
  4. Dec 15

Answer (D)

Question:25 On what the suucess of the experiment depended ?

  1. How massive the comet would be
  2. how productive the comet would be
  3. how light the comet would be
  4. None of these

Answer (A)

Question:26 Do you think we will succeed ?” who asked whom ?

  1. sir John to Duttada
  2. Duttada to sir Johnn
  3. James Forsyth to sir John
  4. Duttada to James Forsyth

Answer (B)

Question:27 Mr. Dutta, I will give you an honest answer’ what was that answer given by sir John?

  1. He was not going to buy Christmas presents till Dec 15
  2. He was not going to celebrate his Christmas
  3. He would not buy any gifts for anyone
  4. He was not going to buy Christmas present till dec 24

Answer (A)

Question:28 where did Duttada tour two weeks after the conference ?

  1. Italy
  2. Parliamentary houses
  3. British isles
  4. None of these

Answer (C)

Question:29 How long Duttada toured the British Isles ?

  1. One week
  2. Two weeks
  3. One month
  4. Two months

Answer (D)

Question:30 who greeted Duttada on his return ?

  1. Friend
  2. social Leaders
  3. Friends and others
  4. all of them

Answer (D)

Question:31 How old was Khoda ?

  1. Eight
  2. Five
  3. Ten
  4. seven

Answer (A)

Question:32 what was Duttada’s sole daytime relaxation?

  1. Company of Khoka
  2. Looking through Dibya at night
  3. Talking with sir John
  4. Both A and B

Answer (D)

Question:33 Mention the date a special messenger brought in an urgent telex message.

  1. Nov 15
  2. Nov 18
  3. Dec 15
  4. Oct 10

Answer (B)

Question:34 where did Duttada rush reading the telex message ?

  1. Court
  2. Roof
  3. Rasagolla shop
  4. Nowhere

Answer (C)

Question:35 what was written on the message that Duttada rushed to Rasagolla shop ?

  1. Sir John was going to visit India
  2. Sir John was going to buy his Christmas present on Dec 15
  3. The comet was exploded
  4. None of these

Answer (B)

Question:36 what was the date comet Dutta came closet to the earth ?

  1. Dec 15
  2. Nov 18
  3. Nov
  4. Dec 10

Answer (A)

Question:37 At what distance comet Dutta came closet to the earth ?

  1. 10, 000 km
  2. 40, 000 km
  3. 90, 000 km
  4. 80, 000 km

Answer (D)

Question:38 Had Duttada over mentioned about project light brigade to his wife ?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. maybe
  4. Not mentioned

Answer (B)

Question:39 why was there no disasters happened according to his wife ?

  1. Duttada
  2. Khoka
  3. Yajna
  4. All of these

Answer (C)

Question:40 … It would be all right if a descendant of yours did it … who was the descendant ?

  1. Khoka
  2. Guruji
  3. sibaji Babu
  4. Indrani Debi

Answer (A)

English It so happened class 8 MCQs
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  2. Chapter 2: Children at work class 8 MCQ
  3. Chapter 3: The selfish Giant class 8 MCQ
  4. Chapter 4: The Treasure within class 8 MCQ
  5. Chapter 5: Princess september class 8 MCQ
  6. Chapter 6: The Fight class 8 MCQ


The comet class 8 MCQ hese are very Important MCQ taken from NCERT book it so happened Please read all the questions. carefully and give the answer at yourself first than you can check my answer, if your answer is correct so congratulation but, if your answer is incorrect so don’t worry you can practice more only.

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